David Hudson – GC Powerlist
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Middle East 2015

Energy and utilities

David Hudson

head of legal and compliance | First Energy Bank, Bahrain


Middle East 2015


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David Hudson

head of legal and compliance | First Energy Bank, Bahrain


Heading legal and compliance functions at First Energy Bank, David Hudson joined the institution on its 2008 inception and established the function from scratch. ‘While transactional legal work takes up the majority of my time, this is my first experience of working for a start-up’, he says. ‘It has therefore been particularly satisfying putting in place some of the necessary infrastructure for the two functions for which I am responsible’. As an institution focused on Islamic investment in the energy industry, First Energy Bank’s needs are complex and niche, and it is this ‘unpredictability’, Hudson says, which keeps him motivated. ‘Almost every week brings something novel, so it’s rarely dull. Also, we’re an Islamic bank and have to consider Sharia compliance in all that we do’. Hudson has been praised for the rigorous and effective compliance framework he established. ‘In-house counsel is expected to point out the legal risks of whatever’s under review’, he says. ‘But it’s all too easy to stop at that (and be seen as part of the problem) rather than addressing the sometimes even more challenging tasks of legal risk assessment, mitigation and management (and being seen as part of the solution)’. With almost 17 years’ financial services experience, Hudson is known for his steady judgement and industry understanding. His experience with law firms in the region has been very positive. ‘Most of the lawyers we deal with are pretty switched-on when it comes to client care, so I have few complaints’. He places the greater emphasis on relationships with individuals, rather than firms, however. ‘I have been known to follow lawyers from firm to firm rather than rebuild the relationship with a successor’.

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