Chief legal officer | Gemstone Real Estate Development
Aasma Khan
Chief legal officer | Gemstone Real Estate Development
chief legal officer | Tameer Holding Investment, United Arab Emirates
‘I thoroughly enjoy all the challenges every day brings and the new and creative ways I learn to manage all the myriad of companies across all these different jurisdictions’, Aasma...
Chief legal officer for Gemstone Real Estate Development since 2014 as well as a divisional chief legal officer of the real estate sector for the Al Rajhi family, Aasma Khan’s remit includes the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and the wider Levant. Looking back on her career, Khan believes that building the Tameer Holding Investment legal forms from scratch – including form sale and purchase agreements for all their projects during the financial crisis – provided her with a fantastic base to expand upon in her later career: ‘I learned to develop forms across multiple formats and to develop a team to tailor modifications to forms quickly and efficiently’. Continuing to sum up her career so far, Khan says, ‘I think the challenges I have faced across Tameer and Gemstone have made me understand legal work and business implications, and formulate an approach that is extremely practical, risk management focused, and speedy. The results are that the business is nimble, flexible and agile adjusting as market conditions turn up and down’. Khan’s primary project achievements over the past three years have included her work on the Al Rajhi Group restructuring, defeating a number of litigations and engaging in IPO preparation for a Group sector.