Alessandra Ronco – GC Powerlist
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Middle East 2023

Transport and infrastructure

Alessandra Ronco

Chief legal officer | House of Shipping


Middle East 2023

Recommended Individual

Alessandra Ronco

Chief legal officer | House of Shipping

Team size: 40+  


Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?  


To navigate some of the difficult situations currently faced by the shipowners in a compliant manner, our legal desk established a sanction screening desk, a misdeclaration prevention cargo desk, a dangerous cargo desk, and a claims 24/7 desk for our clients in GSC in Chennai. 

This involved establishing a comprehensive process to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with shipping and using the best of AI for a comprehensive and tailored service. Our first step was to understand applicable regulations and after, create a team of qualified people and develop policy and procedures. We selected the best tools in the market, and we are working on data collection and integration in order to foresee and prevent risk.  

Red flags are shared with our team members and customers, and employee are constantly up to date and under proper training in view of continuous improvement. The costs of setting up in terms of spending and time saving was extremely beneficial.  


Can you foresee any key developments to the way general counsel work over the next five years?  

The integration of technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI) and automation tools, is likely to significantly impact how general counsel work. AI could be used for contract analysis, legal research, predictive analytics, and more, allowing general counsel to focus on more strategic and complex legal matters.  

As data privacy regulations become more stringent and the threat of cyberattacks continues to grow, general counsel will play a critical role in ensuring their organisations’ compliance with these regulations and in developing strategies to protect sensitive information. Furthermore, negotiation of Insurance package will also count.  

They may need to navigate legal issues related to remote work policies, data security for remote work setups, and ensuring compliance across distributed teams.  

Companies are facing increasing pressure to address ESG concerns, and general counsel may need to work closely with other departments to ensure compliance with ESG-related regulations and to manage legal risks associated with sustainability and social responsibility efforts. Consumers and employees are demanding higher ethical standards from companies, and these legal professionals will likely be involved in shaping and enforcing ethical guidelines and ensuring that the company’s actions align with its stated values.  

Regulatory landscapes are constantly evolving, and general counsel will need to stay updated on changes in laws and regulations that affect their industry. They will also need to help their organisations adapt to these changes and manage regulatory risks effectively. Furthermore, as companies expand their operations globally, they will need to navigate the complexities of different legal systems, cultural norms, and business practices. This includes managing cross-border contracts, disputes, and compliance with international laws.  

The legal industry is seeing the rise of alternative legal service providers, including legal technology companies and freelance lawyers. General counsel may explore these options to streamline processes and reduce costs.  

DEI initiatives are gaining prominence in workplaces. General counsel may be involved in implementing policies and practices that promote diversity and inclusion and address potential legal issues related to discrimination and bias.  

Recent global events have highlighted the need for robust crisis management strategies. General counsel will likely play a key role in developing plans to navigate crises and respect sanctions. 


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