Amec Foster Wheeler – GC Powerlist
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Middle East Teams 2016

Amec Foster Wheeler

| Amec Foster Wheeler


Middle East Teams 2016

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Amec Foster Wheeler

Amec Foster Wheeler Energia is the Finnish arm of British multinational company Amec Foster Wheeler, operating in the design, manufacture and installation of steam boilers and other equipment for the...

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International engineering conglomerate Foster Wheeler was acquired by AMEC in 2014 in a multi-billion dollar deal. The Abu Dhabi-based legal team at what is now Amec Foster Wheeler has grown exponentially and is dispersed over multiple jurisdictions within the Middle East. The legacy AMEC team has successfully adapted to include new responsibilities such as the oversight of downstream oil and gas operations, while the legacy Foster Wheeler legal team has added upstream operations to their work profile. ‘The integration of two companies is like creating a new company. The environment [the legal team] are doing their job in is also much harsher due to the fall in the price of oil – they need to be really lean and more focused to minimise and manage risks’, comments Mohamed el Roubi senior vice president. The team is acknowledged for its management of increased potential claims and disputes brought by market turmoil while at the same time integrating internally and learning new lines of business. The new team has collaborated to deliver expertise as a single voice, placing importance and focus on governance structures, proving to be true guardians of the company and its reputation. ‘We were like jigsaw pieces that fit together. The admirable thing about the team over the last 18 months, is that they have really taken over that [governance] role almost intuitively. The mind set of all the members had that ethical and compliance backbone’.

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Amec Foster Wheeler Energia

Amec Foster Wheeler Energia

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