| Fajr Capital
Fajr Capital
| Fajr Capital
Fajr Capital Group is a sovereign-backed private equity firm with a diverse portfolio operating across Islamic cooperation markets, and whose legal and corporate affairs department is led by Zahid Kamal,...
The Dubai International Financial Centre-headquartered Fajr Capital is a leading investment and financial services firm focusing on high-growth Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) markets and Muslim majority nations. Fajr prides itself on not only being Shari’ah-compliant but on having a Shari’ah-based investment approach, something that places great demands on the legal team to embody these values in every deal they facilitate. In addition to managing Fajr’s day-to-day legal affairs, director and head of legal and corporate affairs Zahid Kamal and senior legal counsel Ben Sautelle-Smith play an active role in planning, negotiating and closing transactions. The close working relationship between legal and business functions was praised as a key strength of Fajr’s market leading products, with nominators commenting on the speed and flexibility of its approach to deals.