| Qatargas
During a period of global oversupply in the oil and gas sector, the pressure on exporters to find new markets and more efficient ways of operating has never been greater, and nowhere is this challenge more pressing than Qatar. With around 20% of the world’s supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG), Qatar owes its prosperity in large part to its dominant position as a gas exporter. In its nimble response to challenging market conditions, Qatar Liquefied Gas Co (known as Qatargas), the world’s largest LNG exporter, has been among the most forward-thinking of global suppliers. The legal team, led by general counsel and group company secretary Jason Tunnicliffe, has provided critical strategic advice to the company during the last few years, helping it to prosper in adversity. Nominators pointed to the team’s role in helping Qatargas to secure a number of legally complex recent deals and commented on its ability to ensure that management is fully aware of the legal risks before entering into new agreements. Recently, the team has assisted Qatargas in its 20 year agreement to supply LNG to Pakistan and its 7 year agreement to supply LNG to North West Europe, two notable deals that will help diversify the company’s geographical coverage.