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Middle East Teams 2018



| Inovest


Middle East Teams 2018

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The legal department at Inovest is managed by head of legal Ismaeel Omer Elnasri, and supported by Hashmeya Ali Alsaba, senior legal officer and Dalal Al Qahtan. The team focuses on compliance with regulations in multiple areas, mitigating and managing risk, data protection and cybersecurity, rapid growth in changing environments, and managing resources and budget to accomplish the workload. Elnasri describes recent difficulties in doing business in Bahrain due to the global fall in oil prices efforts and new country-wide regulations, and that this demonstrates that Inovest thrives in challenging conditions; it was able to keep the same level of profitability in the country despite these issues. The legal team leads this by providing high quality legal advice to the top management and the board itself. The team recently carried out a full compliance and Sharia internal review for the company’s current and future products which led to speeding up the process of reviewing and saving a lot of time and money for the company. On the team’s success, Elnasri says that, ‘companies and people must evolve their thinking and try new things if they are to survive and grow. In other words, they must innovate. But in order to innovate, companies need to create a culture of innovation among employees, one where staff are encouraged to generate and develop ideas… Our legal team is limited in numbers but powerful in terms of achievements and meeting the deadline’.

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