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Nigeria 2024

Transport and infrastructure

Amaka Obiora

Head of legal and group company secretary | Caverton Offshore Support Group


Nigeria 2024

Recommended Individual

Amaka Obiora

Head of legal and group company secretary | Caverton Offshore Support Group

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Acted as a representative of the business during the simultaneous fleet transition that involved the acquisition and trade of multiple aircraft. I ensured that all legal aspects of the transaction were handled properly, such as negotiating contracts, drafting agreements, and addressing any legal issues that arise during the process. I also provided legal advice and guidance to the business throughout the transition to minimise risks and maximise benefits.

Additionally, for our marine subsidiary, I recently installed and monitored the company’s marine compliance program which was a prerequisite for the closing for a major joint venture agreement. This significant achievement demonstrates the company’s commitment to operating in a legally compliant and responsible manner, and the successful implementation of the marine compliance program was likely a critical factor in securing the joint venture agreement. Many joint venture agreements require parties to demonstrate compliance with relevant regulatory frameworks as a condition of entering into the agreement. By having a comprehensive marine compliance program in place and being able to demonstrate compliance with relevant requirements, the company was able to meet this condition and move forward with the joint venture agreement. This also highlights that having proper legal counsel who understands marine regulatory requirements is crucial in ensuring compliance and mitigating risks associated with joint venture agreements in marine industries.

As a general counsel, how do you anticipate and prepare for potential legal and regulatory challenges that may arise, particularly in light of emerging technologies and evolving business landscapes?

As a general counsel, anticipating and preparing for potential legal and regulatory challenges is a critical part of my role in managing legal risks for my organisation effectively over time across diverse business landscapes impacted by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT). I stay informed about emerging technologies and evolving business landscapes by attending industry events, reading relevant publications, and engaging with experts in the field. This helps me to identify potential legal and regulatory challenges early on and to stay ahead of the curve.

I collaborate closely with stakeholders across the organisation, including business leaders, technical experts, and other legal and compliance professionals, to identify potential legal and regulatory challenges and to develop strategies to mitigate them. This helps to ensure that the organisation is well-prepared to address any challenges that arise. I develop a comprehensive risk management framework that identifies potential legal and regulatory challenges and outlines strategies to mitigate them. This framework is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. I develop a comprehensive compliance program that outlines policies, procedures, and training programs to ensure compliance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements. This program is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. I monitor compliance with the compliance program regularly and take corrective action as necessary to address any issues that arise. This helps to ensure that the organisation remains compliant with relevant legal and regulatory requirements over time. I prepare the organisation for potential litigation by developing a litigation response plan that outlines strategies for responding to legal claims and disputes. This plan is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. I collaborate closely with external counsel to ensure that the organisation has access to the best possible legal advice and representation when needed. This helps to ensure that the organisation is well-prepared to address any legal challenges that arise.

By using these strategies, I can anticipate and prepare for potential legal and regulatory challenges effectively, which helps to minimise risks and protect the organisation’s legal and financial interests over time.

How have you attempted to bring the legal department closer to your business colleagues?

As general counsel, it is my aim to improve compliance and reduce legal risks in the group. This is done by establishing open communications between the legal department and other departments. i encourage early involvement of the legal department in decision making from the beginning and clarify the legal department’s role in supporting the business including, in managing risks. Also fostering a culture of continuance improvement by regularly reviewing processes, procedures, and practices for improvement

What are some of the main trends in the industry sector you work in in Nigeria?

The Nigerian aviation sector is witnessing several trends , such as rising air travel demand due to population growth and affordability , expansion and modernisation of the airports , growing competition among airlines , increased focus on safety , adoption of technology , growing interest in regional aviation , emphasis on sustainability, collaborations amongst stakeholders , and the impact of Covid-19 on air travel demand and safety measures . The Nigerian government continues to play a positive role in regulating, providing infrastructure and supporting the industry’s growth and development.

In the marine sector, there is an increased focus on local content development, expansion of offshore oil and gas production leading to an increased demand for marine services such as offshore supply vessels, subsea equipment. In addition, there is the increased focus on marine security thereby, increasing the demand for marine security services.

How much influence do you, as a general counsel, have on the diversity and inclusion policies of your organisation?

As the general counsel, and the top legal advisor of the company, I significantly impact the company’s policies regarding diversity and inclusion through various ways such as advocacy, legal expertise, collaboration, and accountability. This contributes to driving positive change in the Company by promoting a diverse and inclusive workforce and culture, minimising legal risks and promoting best practices and in collaboration with external organisations and stakeholders, ultimately leading to a more diverse and inclusive company.

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