Olakunle Olusanya – GC Powerlist
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Nigeria 2024

Food, beverages and tobacco

Olakunle Olusanya

Director legal, public affairs and general secretary | Fan Milk (a Danone Company)


Nigeria 2024


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Olakunle Olusanya

Director legal, public affairs and general secretary | Fan Milk (a Danone Company)

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Our legal team has done incredible work this year, including the final integration of Danone (the minority shareholder and parent company) and Fan Milk. A standout accomplishment involves our pivotal role in advancing sustainability and securing the business’s license to operate. This includes supporting the business in its backward integration journey, fundamentally transforming the business model and portfolio of the company. Our efforts spanned stakeholder engagement, regulatory approvals, environmental impact, social responsibility, and ethical business practices through meticulous research, strategic planning, and collaboration with other teams as well as external partners.

My team was also principally responsible for the due diligence exercise that culminated in the issuance of a grant of significant value to the company. The team is excited to build on these successes and continue driving positive change through additional sustainability initiatives in the coming years.

Compliance is one of our business fundamentals and we are quite happy to have been able to implement world class global polices and integrate this with strict adherence to local laws and the implementation has been quite seamless with the green global rating indicators showing we are in the right track as a world class ethical company.

How do you see the general counsel role evolving in Nigeria over the next five years?

As we continue to adapt to the very volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous business operating environment, the evolution of the role of general counsel in Nigeria will be dependent on multiple factors, including legal and regulatory changes, economic developments, and industry-specific considerations. However, the most predictable trend is the evolution of general counsel as strategic business partners involved in the fundamental decision-making process while also adding value that helps in business growth. In the coming years, the general counsel role will grow beyond advisory to a more strategic function. Modern-day general counsel are expected to combine legal acumen with a deep understanding of business operations.

In your role, how do you balance the need to protect the organisation’s interests today while also considering legal implications and opportunities that may arise in the future?

Striking a balance between the immediate needs of the organisation as well as future opportunities requires a strategic and forward-thinking approach. One key strategy is conducting a thorough risk assessment to identify both current and potential future risks to the organisations. Ensuring legal compliance is another crucial aspect of this balance.

I encourage general counsel to engage with industry associations, legal forums, and other organisations to stay informed about best practices and emerging trends while maintaining an open line of communication with stakeholders, including employees, customers, and investors. By integrating these considerations into the decision-making strategy, general counsel can strike a balance between addressing immediate needs and preparing for future legal implications and opportunities.

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