Vivienne Ahaneku – GC Powerlist
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Nigeria 2024

Industrials and real estate

Vivienne Ahaneku

Head, legal services | C&I Leasing


Nigeria 2024

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Vivienne Ahaneku

Head, legal services | C&I Leasing

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

In response to the increasing need for efficient legal research and analysis, I spearheaded the development of an in-house legal research platform. Leveraging advanced search algorithms and machine learning capabilities, this platform was designed to streamline the process of accessing relevant legal precedents, statutes, and case law.

The innovation involved collaborating with our IT department and utilising open-source tools to minimise costs. The platform was tailored to the specific needs of our legal team, providing real-time updates on legal developments, summarising complex legal issues, and offering predictive analytics to anticipate potential outcomes.

To ensure the successful adoption of the platform, I organised training sessions for the legal team, highlighting its capabilities and demonstrating how it could enhance research efficiency. Feedback mechanisms were also established to continuously improve the platform based on user experiences.

The impact of this innovation was profound – it significantly reduced the time spent on legal research, enhanced the quality of our legal analyses, and positioned our legal team as more proactive and strategic in its approach. Such a transformative and cost-effective initiative has the potential to be recognised with an industry award for innovation in legal technology.

How have you attempted to bring the legal department closer to your business colleagues?

As the leader of the legal department, I have implemented various strategies to strengthen the relationship between the legal team and our business colleagues.

Active participation in cross-functional teams. I actively participate in cross-functional teams and committees, ensuring that legal insights are seamlessly integrated into discussions about ongoing projects and strategic initiatives.

Regular business unit meetings. I regularly schedule meetings with leaders from different business units to engage in discussions about their projects, challenges, and strategic plans. This facilitates open communication and ensures that legal considerations are addressed early in the decision-making process.

Designation of legal liaisons. I have designated legal liaisons within the legal team to collaborate closely with specific business units. These liaisons serve as dedicated points of contact, fostering stronger relationships and tailoring legal support to the unique needs of each unit.

Participation in strategic planning sessions. I actively participate in strategic planning sessions alongside business leaders, aligning legal strategies with overarching business goals and contributing legal perspectives during the strategic planning stages.

Customised training programs. I have developed and implemented customised training programs for business colleagues to enhance their legal literacy. This not only increases legal awareness across the organisation but also facilitates proactive legal collaboration.

Establishment of legal clinics. I have established regular legal clinics or “office hours” where business colleagues can drop in for informal discussions or seek quick legal guidance. This approach fosters a culture of accessibility within the legal department.

Collaborative workshops and seminars. I organise collaborative workshops or seminars that bring legal and business teams together to discuss emerging legal trends, industry regulations, and best practices. These events encourage knowledge sharing and cross-departmental collaboration.

Formation of joint project teams. I have formed joint project teams that include legal and business professionals working together on specific initiatives. This ensures that legal considerations are seamlessly integrated into project workflows.

Regular communication channels. I have established regular communication channels, such as newsletters or intranet updates, to keep business colleagues informed about legal developments, changes in regulations, and relevant legal insights impacting their areas of responsibility.

Implementation of feedback mechanisms. I have implemented feedback mechanisms, such as surveys or regular check-ins, to actively seek input on the effectiveness of legal support and identify areas for improvement. This commitment to continuous improvement strengthens the collaboration between legal professionals and business colleagues.

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