General counsel and head of market surveillance | Nord Pool Spot A/S
Camilla Berg
General counsel and head of market surveillance | Nord Pool Spot A/S
General counsel | Nord Pool
What are the most important transactions and litigations that you have been involved in during the last two years? With effect from October 2018, Nord Pool completed an extensive group-internal...
General counsel | Nord Pool
Camilla Berg continues to impress in her role as general counsel for Nord Pool, Europe’s leading power market that offers a range of services across fifteen European countries. Her involvement...
Camilla Berg has been general counsel at Nord Pool Spot A/S since 2009, being responsible for all legal matters, regulatory compliance and overseeing the market surveillance department, which focuses on the prohibition of insider trading, disclosure requirements and market manipulation, to ensure that market traders are operating within European Law. Berg was governance working group leader within the PCR (Price Coupling of Regions) project from May 2011 until August 2012, which ended with signing of the PCR agreements between the main European Power Exchanges. PCR is used to develop a single solution to calculate electricity prices across Europe and allocate cross-border capacity on a day-ahead basis. In addition, she has been ‘a member of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) Ad Hoc Expert Group on REMIT implementation measures since June 2012. The group consists of 12 experts from Europe who deliver expert advice on the specific questions requested by ACER on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency issues’. Her efforts in external roles mean that she is up to date with market changes, allowing her to deliver even more value to her department and company.