Bankernes Edb Central (BEC) – GC Powerlist
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Nordics Teams 2016


Bankernes Edb Central (BEC)

| Bankernes Edb Central (BEC)


Nordics Teams 2016

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Bankernes Edb Central (BEC)


Alice Grünfeld, head of legal at Bankernes Edb Central (BEC), describes her team as ‘a trusted advisor involved in all aspects of the company’s activities’. The legal department at BEC, a Danish conglomerate which specialises in the development and operation of IT for financial companies, has established itself as a core part of the business. The legal team consists of three highly-qualified lawyers, two non-lawyers, one head of contract and negotiation and one contract manager. The department is credited for the reorganisation of the company’s procurement processes, a feat that has enabled BEC to handle an increase in digitalisation as well as ventures into new markets. The group respectively restructured the company’s code of conduct in addition to their handling of material internal policies. This required close liaison with various departments across the entire organisation. The legal team members ensure that they are informed of any activities going on within the company as soon as is possible; Grünfeld explains that ‘it is imperative that the in-house legal team understands and is close to the business’.

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Alice Grünfeld

Head of Legal

Bankernes Edb Central (BEC)

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Alice Grünfeld

Head of legal

Bankernes EDB Central (BEC)

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Alice Grünfeld

Head of Legal

Bankernes Edb Central (BEC)

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Alice Grünfeld

Head of legal

Bankernes EDB Central (BEC)

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