Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics – GC Powerlist
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Nordics Teams 2016

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics

| Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics


Nordics Teams 2016


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Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics


Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics has a proficient legal department, which consists of seven lawyers and one jurist. The team operates on a virtual basis with four colleagues based across Europe, two in the USA and two in Japan; all members report directly to Marianne Schreuder, head of global legal and compliance. With the implementation of a safe guidelines scheme, the legal function has been able to adequately support the organisation’s opportunity growth in the most optimal way. The legal team is an integral member of the company’s long-term strategy, which enables the division to take a proactive role in strategic developments. The department acclimatised and adjusted to the growing requirement for a global legal division to provide compliance advice and continuously support the organisation, ensuring the establishment is compliant with various dynamic legislation and regulation. The Wallenius Wilhelmsen legal and compliance team achieved this via the implementation of a “Responsible Logistics” framework, which focuses on a long term view in customer relations, with regards to the environment, social responsibility and governance. This framework led to the development of an internal compliance program, introducing a code of conduct and various policies to the business. Schreuder explains that the senior management team of Wallenius Wilhelmsen ‘actively listens to, appreciates and implements the legal team’s advice’.

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Kristin Schjødt Bitnes

Head of Legal & Compliance and Board Secretary

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics

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