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Peru 2018

Energy and utilities

Rodrigo Manrique García

General counsel and company secretary | Olympic Peru


Peru 2018

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Rodrigo Manrique García

General counsel and company secretary | Olympic Peru


Rodrigo Manrique García assumed his current position in 2013, after being hired by Olympic Perú in 2010 to establish the internal legal function. Bringing substantial change and improvement to the oil and gas company has been a standout achievement for Manrique: ‘I was hired to create the internal legal department and it has created a significant change in the risk and contingency management of the company as well as the relation with the regulatory agencies, Peruvian Oil Agency Perupetro and the Ministry of Energy and Mines’. Before the implementation of internal legal management, all legal issues were outsourced with many unsatisfactory outcomes and the legal expenses were significant, as there were ‘problems with communication and coordination of the legal strategy’ needed for the company’s interests. Combating this issue, during his last three years as general counsel, Manrique has changed the scope of participation of the company legal area from a reactive organisation to a preventive one reducing liabilities and contingencies by the millions. He is also having an active participation in several procedures involving project management, community relationship, environmental and regulatory permits, and initial stage of negotiation with providers, minor and major contractual procedures as well as negotiations with Peruvian Oil Agency, Perupetro. Under his leadership and his inside knowledge of the oil and gas industry, the team aim to support the company from an early stage in the procedure areas within Olympic with the goal of better management and prevention of legal risk. The recent changes in the regulation of environmental protection, anti-corruption and money laundry have increased the need for implementation of several controls and policies that secure the activities of the corporate group and eliminate the risk that is involved in these worldwide problems. Some of his most noteworthy transactions include the acquisition of an Oklahoma based company with oil interests in Peru, an operation that amounted to $5m approximately; participation in the development of projects for the installation of major components at production facilities in Olympic’s oil fields such as a $30m gas turbine generator; as well of projects of for the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons. Manrique also led the purchase and transfer of the oil tanker ‘Olympic Star’ in China in an operation that amounted to approximately $12m.

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