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Peru 2022

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Luis Antonio Chu

Legal and GA corporate manager | Grupo Falabella


Peru 2022

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Luis Antonio Chu

Legal and GA corporate manager | Grupo Falabella

Focus on the effects of the pandemic on organisations

In general terms, the Covid-19 pandemic showed organisations that it was possible to operate having their administrative employees under the modality of remote work, something that seems to be a little easier to achieve for professionals in the legal world. However, it was also necessary to find new ways to connect with their teams and internal clients, especially to maintain a close relationship with the day-to-day business.

In most countries, governments were very proactively creating new regulations for health standards, a situation that kept legal teams very attentive to changes and the way in which operations adapted to new demands.

The digital era, accelerated and consolidated with the pandemic, has changed several habits in the behavior of human beings and in the companies’ process also.  The ease with which data is generated, that will later serve for decision making, is not alien to the work of internal lawyers. The management and ability to analyse this data for decision making is the future challenge of internal legal teams.

Not only to achieve efficiencies within their own processes to meet the requests of their internal clients, but also to manage the contingencies that allow the modelling of behaviors through effective controls that can be obtained from the data their organisations or other companies and industries are generating.

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