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Peru 2022

Materials and mining

Patricia Kosa Muñoz

Legal and compliance manager for the American region | Gold Fields La Cima


Peru 2022

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Patricia Kosa Muñoz

Legal and compliance manager for the American region | Gold Fields La Cima

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

In January 2020, we sold Compañía Transmisora Norperuana, an electricity company that owned the transmission line for Cerro Corona to Transelec, through its subsidiary Conelsur, in order to generate more efficiencies in terms of our operations. We also conducted the local legal renegotiations in 2020, of the $150m credit facility with Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) and Scotiabank Perú. We have also been carrying out exploration agreements, as Goldfields has a strong intention to further explore the region, especially in Peru. Alongside it, we have implemented the integrity system (compliance programme), ensuring that activities of the Region are aligned with the highest standards of integrity, ethics and good corporate governance; creating value and supporting the long-term sustainability of the business. We are leaders in implementing adequate compliance in terms of mining projects. We have also obtained the permits, authorisations and licences, including land acquisitions in 2021 and 2022, for the continuity of our operations; and implemented the legal and labour strategies that allowed the safety of our operations during the Covid-19 pandemic.

How do you feel the pandemic has changed the world of work for in-house counsel and the function of the general counsel?

The most important role of an in-house counsel was to take care of the company and its people. In times of crisis, we had to adapt, and as part of the Executive Committee, take quick and difficult decisions, taking into consideration the many risks involved, the compliance with the everyday changing regulations, and also the best interest of our people, as they are the soul of our business.

What are some of the key developments – legal, geopolitical or otherwise – that have affected your business over the past year?

One of the most important developments has been a strong focus on ESG. We develop projects that seek to improve our stakeholders’ quality of life without compromising future generations’ resources, whilst also considering the environmental, social and governance impacts. We are focused on building and operating mines profitably and creating shared value for all our stakeholders (investors, employees, communities, and society in general), in order to maintain our license to operate and leave a positive legacy for the host communities. In this respect, our ESG management is one of our strategic pillars and the Legal and Compliance department is critical for promoting a more ethical, responsible and inclusive society.

Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most?

Every day, we have more access to information and technology, as in-house teams we guide on the better use of data and its management, as well as accurateness of information.

Patricia Kosa Muñoz - Peru 2023

Legal and compliance director | Gold Fields La Cima

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