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Peru 2022

Energy and utilities

Veronica Arbulu

Legal and corporate affairs manager | Statkraft Perú


Peru 2022

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Veronica Arbulu

Legal and corporate affairs manager | Statkraft Perú

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Statkraft Peru legal has been involved in various areas of legal as well as business issues caused by Covid-19 including but not limited to cybersecurity and human rights. The goal of our team has been to maintain sustainable developments for our company’s projects.

How do you feel the pandemic has changed the world of work for in-house counsel and the function of the general counsel?

Some examples of changes that has transformed the world of work for in-house counsel legal functions over the pandemic included: (i) normalisation of remote work; (ii) increasing ability to deal with uncertainty and sudden changes in regulations and law; (iii) increasing importance of in-house counsel as business partners for their internal clients; (iv) developing interest in cybersecurity, sustainability, and human rights.

What are some of the key developments – legal, geopolitical or otherwise – that have affected your business over the past year?

The importance of workers’ wellbeing has been emphasised more than ever during the pandemic. Given that Peru had implemented one of the longest lockdowns in the world – practically working from home for two years, in-house legal function provided legal and business advice to other functions to continue perform their tasks within the current legal framework.

Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most?

Statkraft is a company fully committed to new development of innovative technologies. Th legal function automatised various area of legal practice – contract management and contract drafting. This allowed us to save significant amount of time – from 12 hours to 12 minutes for certain tasks. Legal technology will lead legal departments to focus on value-added work.

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Legal affairs manager | Statkraft Perú

Veronica Arbulu joined the multinational renewable energy generation business Statkraft at a time of significant change and transformation for the legal department, and after instantly impressing her colleagues with her...

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