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Peru 2024

Commercial and professional services

Benito Pedemonte

Chief counsel - legal, compliance and public affairs - Argentina, Chile, Peru and Uruguay. | Marsh McLennan Companies


Peru 2024

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Benito Pedemonte

Chief counsel - legal, compliance and public affairs - Argentina, Chile, Peru and Uruguay. | Marsh McLennan Companies

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

My approach to managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises involves proactive risk assessment, collaboration with stakeholders, scenario planning, compliance and governance, communication, and continuous monitoring. By aligning the legal strategy with the broader business strategy, I aim to ensure the organisation’s resilience and ability to navigate legal challenges effectively.

Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential legal risks and vulnerabilities that may arise during periods of instability or crises is critical to making decisions to navigate instability. This involves analysing the impact of various scenarios on the organisation’s operations, contracts, regulatory compliance, and reputation. This risk assessment will allow us to identify key stakeholders and work closely with them, including senior management, business leaders, and external advisors, to understand their concerns and align the legal strategy with the broader business strategy. This collaboration ensures that legal decisions are made in the context of the organisation’s overall goals and objectives.

It is important to take the lead in defining contingency plans and strategies to address potential legal challenges that may arise during periods of instability or crises. This includes anticipating regulatory changes, contractual disputes, employment issues, and potential litigation. By proactively planning for different scenarios, the organisation can respond swiftly and effectively to mitigate legal risks. Additionally, establishing clear lines of communication, both internally and externally, is crucial to effectively manage legal issues and maintain stakeholder confidence. Timely and transparent communication is crucial in maintaining the organisation’s reputation and minimising legal and reputational risks.

All the above should be continuously monitored and require nimbleness to adapt any actions taking into consideration how the instability situation evolves. The role of the entire organisation is important, and a strong culture of compliance and good governance practices would help develop any action or initiative.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

Marsh McLennan recognises the importance of sustainability and has implemented several initiatives to integrate sustainable practices into our operations. Our company has developed a comprehensive sustainability strategy that outlines our commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. This strategy guides our decision-making processes and ensures that sustainability considerations are integrated into our core business operations.

ESG considerations are also integrated into our risk management and investment processes. This includes assessing and managing ESG risks and opportunities across our business units and investment portfolios. By incorporating ESG factors into our decision-making, we aim to drive sustainable outcomes for our clients and stakeholders.

Marsh McLennan offers a range of sustainable solutions to our clients, helping them manage risks and seize opportunities related to climate change, social impact, and governance. Through our expertise in risk management, insurance, and consulting, we support our clients in adopting sustainable practices and achieving their sustainability goals.

We are committed to transparency and regularly report on our sustainability performance. This includes disclosing our ESG metrics, goals, and progress through sustainability reports and other public disclosures. By being transparent about our sustainability efforts, we hold ourselves accountable and inspire others to take action.

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