Carol Canales Montes – GC Powerlist
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Peru 2024

Food, beverages and tobacco

Carol Canales Montes

Legal coordinator | Delosi


Peru 2024

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Carol Canales Montes

Legal coordinator | Delosi

Can you tell us about your journey to becoming an in-house counsel? What inspired you to pursue a career in this field?

My professional journey began in 2016 when I completed an internship at a telecoms firm, where I had the chance to work with great lawyers and the most inspiring leaders. I then completed an internship at the ‘Dispute Resolution Court’ in OSIPTEL – the Peruvian telecom regulator. Even though my time there was brief, it was a really nourishing experience because I got to see how things work in the public sector.

A few months after graduating from college and excited for fresh challenges in my professional life, I applied for an internship at Delosi. Being in the retail sector was completely new for me, but I took this opportunity to enhance my legal skills. After more than five years, I can say that this company has seen me grow professionally and personally.

In your role as an in-house counsel, what are the main responsibilities and tasks you handle on a day-to-day basis?

The organisation manages six American franchises and two owned Peruvian brands; additionally, it has operations in Bolivia and is slated to expand in the near future. One of my responsibilities is to provide guidance on consumer protection concerns to all restaurant managers and customer service departments. The counselling process commences from the moment we identify the case as a contingent one and continues until resolution. In the event of a legal dispute with the Consumer Protection Authority, my responsibility includes developing a legal strategy to safeguard the company’s interests.

Furthermore, I am responsible for reviewing advertising and commercial contracts from an unfair competition and antitrust regulation perspective. I am also involved in various projects developed by various departments of the company, and my goal here is to give them integral advice on consumer and data protection issues, as well as regarding intellectual property matters.

What are some of the key challenges you have faced as a rising star in-house counsel, and how have you overcome them?

In the last three years, we have received complex formal consumer complaints, yet we have been able to reach a settlement with the consumer or defend the company, aiming for the minimum or elimination of sanctions. Another challenge has been providing legal training to employees due to the high turnover rate in the restaurant industry. Despite this, last year we conducted a workshop for all assistants, restaurant managers, and the customer service department regarding legal issues.

What steps have you taken to enhance your professional development and expand your legal skill set?

One of the steps that helps me provide adequate counselling for the company is keeping myself updated with the new and changing criteria of the Consumer Protection Authority. Additionally, I enjoy conducting research on new marketing and advertisement techniques to stay informed about our Marketing Departments’ activities and provide them with ideas on how we can be disruptive while complying with advertisement regulations.

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