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Peru 2024

Energy and utilities

Esteban Salmón Hernández

Subgerente legal | Aguaytía Energy del Perú


Peru 2024

Recommended Individual

Esteban Salmón Hernández

Subgerente legal | Aguaytía Energy del Perú

Team size: Three

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

In the context of a hydrocarbons and energy company in Peru, navigating periods of political instability requires a robust legal strategy aligned with the business strategy to ensure organisational resilience.

Firstly, a comprehensive risk assessment is crucial to identify potential legal challenges amidst political instability. This involves reviewing contracts, regulatory compliance, and potential litigation risks. Understanding the legal landscape allows for the development of a proactive response plan to mitigate risks and safeguard the company.

Close communication and collaboration between legal teams and other departments, such as finance and operations, is essential. This collaboration ensures a legal strategy that is consistent with business objectives, enhancing organisational resilience.

Additionally, having a flexible legal framework is crucial to adapting quickly to changing circumstances. Legal teams should continuously monitor legal developments, regulations, and government directives to adjust strategies effectively and ensure compliance.

During crises, the importance of ethics and regulatory compliance is emphasised. Prioritising integrity, transparent communication, and adherence to ethical business practices contributes to maintaining the company’s reputation.

Furthermore, cost-effective legal solutions are essential. Balancing legal expenses and ensuring effective risk management is crucial for financial stability. Exploring alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and negotiating favourable settlements are also important practices.

Technology can optimise legal processes and implementing digital tools for contract management, compliance tracking, and legal research enhances agility and responsiveness.

In summary, an effective legal strategy during political instability for a hydrocarbons and energy company in Peru involves proactive risk assessment, interdepartmental collaboration, adaptability, business ethics, cost efficiency, and leveraging technology. This alignment ensures that the legal function contributes to the resilience of the company amidst political and economic challenges.

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?

In the near future, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) are poised to have a significant impact on the legal profession. AI can automate routine tasks like document review, while CLM streamlines contract management processes. To stay updated, legal professionals should engage in continuous learning through professional development programmes and webinars, attend legal tech conferences, subscribe to legal tech publications, and maintain relationships with legal tech vendors for access to updates and training.

By embracing these technologies and staying informed, legal professionals can enhance efficiency and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving legal landscape.

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