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Peru 2024

Materials and mining

Guido M. Bocchio

Legal and natural resources manager | Southern Perú Copper Corporation


Peru 2024

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Guido M. Bocchio

Legal and natural resources manager | Southern Perú Copper Corporation

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

Within the country, we have experienced the emergence of frequent periodic crises over the last 20 years. The constant is crisis, change, and the need for adaptation. In the legal area, having a well-trained, ethically, and professionally trained human team, as well as appropriate external advice, instils confidence to face such contingencies. And thank God that this has happened in my case. Furthermore, we have been able to strengthen the corporate structure in various aspects when change has been and remains constant.

In your opinion, what are the main trends that are salient in your country currently?

In connection with the previous question, during this period of constant change, trends in Peru are varied while also evolving, particularly regarding their legal aspects. One notable legal trend is that national regulations often lag behind in certain matters. For example, the dynamics of social networks involving multiple influencers and their communications. As a regulatory measure, the Peruvian tax entity (SUNAT) has implemented a 29.5% tax rate for the annual payment of income tax.

Furthermore, with modernity, positive results in diseases of various aetiologies are shown in alternative medicine centres, if this is provided for in health legislation, which offer “integrative medicine” (quantum medicine). This modern medicine does not yet have a regulatory development in line with its progress.

An additional issue is that legal safeguards for private sector projects, which contribute to the country’s development, are not appreciated by the government as a fundamental basis for ensuring secure, long-term and mutually beneficial public-private investments. The current legal framework is insufficient to reverse the trend of business distrust and low investment, particularly in the productive sectors. This negative trend has led to a recession and complicated scenarios such as rising unemployment and inflation. The backdrop of the political crisis in Peru does not help and will probably lead to legal changes.
Another group of emerging trends is within the space of legal management. This includes an increased focus on the importance of the well-being of an organisation’s employees and digital transformation. There is also a search for friendly language to communicate in as well as the development of soft skills for conflict resolution and difficult conversations.

Furthermore, there is change in the image from within, the legal area is increasingly perceived as a team that works preventively, cooperates and facilitates, instead of a department of constant objections. It requires a lot of empathy to accompany the internal users of the companies, offering them peace of mind in the development of business, especially when there is constant inspection by public entities.

There is also a growing trend of converting our external legal advisor into a strategic partner, thus making them feel like a part of our internal team.

Guido M. Bocchio - Peru 2023

Legal and natural resources manager | Southern Peru Copper Corporation

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Guido M. Bocchio - Peru 2018

Legal manager and natural resources | Southern Peru Copper Corporation

Guido M. Bocchio’s legal career commenced at the early age of 20 in a Lima-based law firm, with a focus on commercial and civil cases and lawsuits. Bocchio now has...

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