Micaela Canelo Llanos – GC Powerlist
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Peru 2024

Materials and mining

Micaela Canelo Llanos

Corporate compliance lawyer | Cementos Pacasmayo


Peru 2024


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Micaela Canelo Llanos

Corporate compliance lawyer | Cementos Pacasmayo

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

During periods of instability or crisis, my approach to managing legal aspects is based on human connection, empathy, and a commitment to the well-being of all team members. I recognise that, in challenging times, human value becomes even more crucial. Therefore, I foster a work environment where each individual feels valued, heard, and supported. I firmly believe that a united and committed team is essential to overcome any legal challenges that may arise. As a compliance specialist, I understand the importance of aligning legal strategy with business vision to ensure the organisation’s resilience. Working closely with other leaders allows me not only to identify potential risks but also to develop creative and supportive solutions that enable us to move forward together. This comprehensive and proactive approach not only helps us overcome present challenges but also prepares us for the future, strengthening the organisation’s position in a dynamic and changing business environment.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

We have implemented significant measures, such as adopting technologies and processes to reduce our carbon footprint, efficiently managing waste, and providing employee training programs on sustainable practices. My contribution goes beyond legal compliance; it involves ensuring that our operational practices reflect our commitment to sustainability and foster a culture of sustainability. We work to embed sustainability in our corporate culture and make it a priority in every decision we make. Ultimately, we recognise that sustainability is not only an ethical responsibility but also a key factor for the long-term success of our company and the well-being of the environment and communities where we operate.

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?

Regarding emerging technologies, I am committed to staying updated on developments that are transforming the legal field. Artificial intelligence, automation, and other technologies offer exciting opportunities to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our team.

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?

Prioritising diversity and inclusion within the company is essential to foster a work environment that reflects the diversity of our communities and promotes excellence. To achieve this, I have implemented specific initiatives aimed at creating a more inclusive and equitable environment. This includes diversity training and cultural awareness programs for all employees, as well as the adoption of hiring policies that promote equal opportunities and diversity in recruitment. Additionally, we have established affinity groups and diversity committees to provide a safe space where employees can share their experiences and collaborate in promoting diversity and inclusion throughout the company. These actions not only strengthen our commitment to diversity but also contribute to a more cohesive legal team prepared to address legal challenges with a broader and more diverse perspective, ultimately driving positive change in our company and the cement industry.

Can you discuss a particularly challenging dispute or M&A scenario you encountered and the innovative strategies you implemented to address it?

In the Peruvian context, obtaining ISO 37301 certification represents a complex challenge due to the changing nature of the legal and regulatory environment. To address this situation, we have implemented innovative strategies that include a thorough analysis of local laws, the use of technology to improve the efficiency of compliance management systems, and the establishment of strategic partnerships with local experts in the field. These measures have allowed us to develop a robust compliance system tailored to the specific needs of the Peruvian market.

In your opinion, what are the main trends that are salient in your country currently (these can be legal, political, economy or business-based)?

From my perspective, some of the key trends impacting the legal landscape in Peru include the digitisation of legal services, the increasing regulation of compliance, and the growing importance of business ethics and corporate social responsibility. As a young-minded but experienced lawyer, I am committed to leading change and contributing to the development of a more dynamic, ethical, and future-oriented legal environment in my country

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