Patricia Brocos – GC Powerlist
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Peru 2024


Patricia Brocos

Legal director | Credicorp Capital


Peru 2024

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Patricia Brocos

Legal director | Credicorp Capital

Team size: 11 lawyers

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

In many South American countries, such as Peru, we always live in periods of instability or crises. Therefore, the way we approach these situations in the legal department is by being creative and anticipating new situations that may arise. As a legal team we are 100% aligned with the strategy of our internal clients, which implies that we always want to be perceived as allies to help the commercial teams to generate value for the organisation. We help them structure new products or services and we help them mitigate the risks associated with it.

As a legal team we must be able to be fast, reactive, flexible and very creative to accompany our commercial teams to create value.

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?

Definitely diversity and inclusion are top priorities of Credicorp Capital´s agenda. In particular, I have always been interested and highly involved in diversity and inclusion matters and actively participate in panels and in initiatives that empower the professional development of women in the legal field.

In Credicorp, I have been involved in the following initiatives: lead ambassador for Credicorp Capital’s gender equity programme — In 2019 the Credicorp Group decided to launch a gender equality policy that promoted equal opportunities in the professional careers of men and women, as well as the reconciliation between personal, work and family life. During 2020, 2021 and 2022 Credicorp Capital performed diagnostic analyses to understand their problems in this matter, conducting surveys to measure key indicators. (For example, in 2014 they had 17% of leadership positions held by women. Today, this percentage has increased to 29%, with women in traditionally male positions such as CFO, Corporate Finance, Bureau of Stock Exchange, Investments).

During 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 Credicorp implemented a plan to address these issues and myself, as lead ambassador for Credicorp Capital’s gender equity programme have been actively participating in the execution of this plan.

I was chosen to be one of the leaders of the ‘Entre Mujeres’ programme, and in 2022 and 2023 I oversaw leading different circles of conversations between women of the different companies in Peru, Chile, Colombia, US and Panamá. These circles were focused on raising awareness about the importance of making visible women in the company and empower them so that they can develop professionally. Each programme (of 120 participants) has been very successful, with a high demand from people willing to participate (currently with a waiting list). This programme is focused on professional women from Peru, Chile, Colombia, Panama and the USA. To date, this initiative has been replicated in different companies of the Credicorp Group as it has been very successful.

Patricia Brocos - Peru 2023

Legal director - Perú | Credicorp Capital

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Patricia Brocos - Peru 2022

Legal director | Credicorp Capítal

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