| BD Capital
BD Capital
The legal team of asset management firm BD Capital is made up of general counsel Claudia Velarde Arnáez, one sub-manager legal and one legal intern. Since 2016, the legal team has assisted the business in all legal issues related to the launching and monitoring of eight public funds, and has been actively involved in the processes of negotiation for the acquisitions of BD Capital’s investments across Peru. The legal team has also assisted in the implementation and supervision of the company’s compliance policies and procedures. Priding itself for retaining a close relationship to business colleagues, Velarde says: ‘Our legal team works very closely with our business unit on the design and structuring of new business ideas. We seek to have a close oversight on the development and launching of our projects and monitor its development as legal issues may arise at any stage in the process, [such as when] a new idea is conceived or during the implementation and life of each project’.