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Peru Teams 2019

Compañia Minera Antamina

| Compañia Minera Antamina


Peru Teams 2019

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Compañia Minera Antamina


Compañia Minera Antamina is one of the largest Peruvian producers of copper and zinc concentrates, and one of the ten largest in the world in terms of production volume. Ensuring that it operates in accordance with Peruvian law and upholds its high reputation as a modern mining company, the company’s in-house legal team is highly committed to supporting business operations and is made up of 12 lawyers. These lawyers are supplemented by one engineer, five trainees and two administrative assistants. As explained by vice president of legal and compliance, Antonio Pinilla, the team’s focus is on ‘supporting the operational success of the company [by] rendering preventive legal advice and ensuring the company always complies with all the laws and regulations of the country and operates in a corporate compliance culture’. Magaly Gonzales serves as the legal manager and as part of her role manages the legal and claims procedures. Regulatory affairs manager Augusto Navarro is responsible for regulatory aspects of the company such as the management, planning and execution of strategies for obtaining licenses, authorisations and permits for new projects or modifications of existing activities. Institutional relations manager Luis Alva is in charge of managing institutional relations with several authorities, bringing support to the legal vice president and other areas of the company. The legal team also has a compliance specialist María Paz Torres, who supports the legal vice president in regards to all compliance matters involving compliance program monitoring, key staff training, and code of conduct investigations. Over the years, the legal team has achieved an improved and proactive interaction with different areas of the company, allowing it to fulfil its goals without major issues within important auditing processes from shareholders and authorities.

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Antonio Pinilla Cisneros

Vice president of legal and compliance

Compañia Minera Antamina

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Antonio Pinilla Cisneros

Vice president of legal and compliance

Compañia Minera Antamina

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