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Peru Teams 2019

Marsh Rehder

| Marsh Rehder


Peru Teams 2019

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Marsh Rehder


The Marsh Rehder legal department is structured in a manner that primarily takes into consideration the skills and competencies of staff members; not only including legal and regulatory knowledge but also business administration and insurance technical expertise, which adds value to the core business side, providing an overall stronger value proposition to all clients. Vice president, legal, compliance and public affairs leader Benito Pedemonte leads the team, and as part of his responsibilities works across the company to provide legal and compliance strategies to support business decisions, reduce potential errors and promote a culture of de-risk within the organisation. ‘Awareness and understanding of the regulatory framework and risks that our operations face is one of the most important objectives of the legal department’, says Pedemonte. Other prominent members of the team include Jorge Reategui, who joined the team to add his expertise on civil law and regulatory matters, and Fiorella Molina, who facilitates the delivering of metrics to the management team regarding the department administration, internal projects development where the legal department is involved and support to coordination with external counsels. 2018 was a very active year for the team with regard to legal regulatory initiatives in order to update the legal framework related to insurance brokers activity. The team was very involved in providing advice to the regulator that supports these initiatives with a significant input regarding international market practices. When talking about the way this support is implemented, Pedemonte explains: ‘Trust and integrity can be defined as the culture of the LCPA department which is aligned with Marsh & McLennan Companies code of conduct: “The greater good”. We provide exceptional value to the organisation, exceeding its expectations is our goal in our everyday work’.

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