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Peru Teams 2019


| Siemens


Peru Teams 2019

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Since 1996, Siemens Peru has maintained a leading position in the market thanks to several projects of great magnitude. With approximately 400 employees in the country, Siemens Peru has supplied more than 2,000 MW of capacity, representing 30% of the country’s total. The Siemens legal team has been involved in the negotiations of the largest energy project in Bolivia, starting the construction of a new, modern energy service training centre in Bolivia designed to provide Siemens digital services to energy customers in Bolivia and wider South America. General counsel, Edgard Guerrero leads the legal team since joining Siemens in 2014, and has since reorganised the legal department to combine both experience and potential. ‘I personally involved myself in the selection of all the new team members. The current perception of the business and the other areas of the company regarding the legal department is now very positive and valued’, says Guerrero. In March 2017, the legal department of Siemens Austral Andina (which covers South America excluding Brazil) – to which Siemens legal Pacific (Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia) belongs – was recognised as the premier general commercial in-house legal team in Latin America at an industry awards ceremony.

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