| Siemens
Made up of 14 members from four different nationalities, the Spanish legal department at Siemens is an ‘international team embedded within, and trusted by, the business’, according to general counsel...
| Siemens
With a number of different business interests in the country, global industrials conglomerate Siemens employs a highly capable team of legal professionals to mitigate risk and navigate the organisation through...
| Siemens Turkey
Led by general counsel Mehmet Celal Savaş, the Turkish legal team of eight at Siemens, Europe’s largest engineering company, creates value as ‘a real business partner’. As Savaş is part...
| Siemens
The Russian operation of Siemens has gone from strength to strength over the past year, on the back of successful conclusions to a number of high profile deals. After negotiations...
| Siemens
Siemens, a global organisation that develops high-tech and innovative solutions for industry, energy, cities and healthcare, has a team of nine lawyers to support operations across Denmark and Norway. Since...
| Siemens
For more than 75 years, Siemens has been active in Saudi Arabia, where it holds leading positions in the industrial, energy and healthcare sectors. The Siemens Saudi Arabia legal team,...
| Siemens Mesoamérica
Siemens Mesoamérica, the Mexican arm of the global conglomerate, has a legal team of 15 lawyers, and is led by general counsel Juan Carlos Maroto, a ‘transnational lawyer with extensive...
| Siemens
The past few years have been highly memorable for Siemens’ six-person legal department in Colombia, as the team executed a major initiative to harmonise and simplify all of its contract...
| Siemens
Siemens Canada, the Canadian arm of the global manufacturing giant, is a comprehensive operation with approximately 4,500 employees and annual revenue of C$2bn. All of Siemens’ global businesses have operations...
| Siemens Poland
Led by general counsel Wojciech Kowalewski, the legal department at Siemens Poland is extremely flexible and competent in dealing with issues in relation to regulatory changes, new products and ensuring...
| Siemens
Dr Matthias Geiger serves as general counsel for the Norwegian operations of global industrials giant Siemens, managing a legal department of six lawyers. Two of the team members are qualified...
| Siemens
With an overall headcount of approximately 1,500 individuals, Siemens’ legal firepower is comparable to a significant dedicated law firm. Jörg Häring, general counsel for Europe and Africa and general counsel...
| Siemens
A relatively small legal department of approximately 40 employees provides legal support to multinational conglomerate Siemens’ numerous business interests in Russia. With healthcare, energy and technology being just some of...
| Siemens Mobility
The in-house legal department of Siemens Mobility in Colombia has regional coverage as well as specific to each relevant jurisdiction. The team has adapted to the division of the Mobility...
| Siemens Healthineers
The in-house legal team at Siemens Healthineers in Colombia continues to impress and provide the highest quality legal coverage to the global healthcare giant’s presence in Colombia and the Andean...
| Siemens
Siemens opened its first company in Sweden in 1893, and today it has 4,200 employees in 40 locations with headquarters in Stockholm. During the fiscal year 2018, sales for Siemens...
| Siemens Chile
The legal department at the multinational conglomerate Siemens in Chile supports the company operations on a whole range of issues encountered by its various lines of business. The team’s portfolio...
| Siemens Heatlhineers
Siemens Healthineers has gone from strength to strength since its major rebranding exercise in 2016, which saw it transition to its current name from Siemens Healthcare. Bernd Dudel is general...
| Siemens
Having started operations in Argentina in 1857, the German conglomerate Siemens has a strong and long-standing presence in the country. Today, among its 1,600 Argentine employees is the company’s legal...
| Siemens
Siemens is an engineering company, headquartered in Germany, and is Europe’s largest engineering business. Over the past several decades, Siemens has invested immensely in Africa, striving to bring new technology,...
Since 1996, Siemens Peru has maintained a leading position in the market thanks to several projects of great magnitude. With approximately 400 employees in the country, Siemens Peru has supplied more than 2,000 MW of capacity, representing 30% of the country’s total. The Siemens legal team has been involved in the negotiations of the largest energy project in Bolivia, starting the construction of a new, modern energy service training centre in Bolivia designed to provide Siemens digital services to energy customers in Bolivia and wider South America. General counsel, Edgard Guerrero leads the legal team since joining Siemens in 2014, and has since reorganised the legal department to combine both experience and potential. ‘I personally involved myself in the selection of all the new team members. The current perception of the business and the other areas of the company regarding the legal department is now very positive and valued’, says Guerrero. In March 2017, the legal department of Siemens Austral Andina (which covers South America excluding Brazil) – to which Siemens legal Pacific (Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia) belongs – was recognised as the premier general commercial in-house legal team in Latin America at an industry awards ceremony.