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Peru Teams 2019

Telefónica del Perú

| Telefónica del Perú


Peru Teams 2019

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Telefónica del Perú


The legal team of Telefónica del Perú provides a high level of legal services to the telecommunication giant and its 16 other companies of the same economic Group established in Peru. Led by general counsel Christiann Hudtwalcker Zegarra, the team is composed of four specialised legal areas. It has two lawyers that provide general legal assistance to the commercial team and corporate areas, a litigation team, as well as the corporate governance and legal prevention team providing preventative legal assistance in all labour, telecommunications and data protection matters. The most important change has been the new structure of the legal department: ‘We believe that an in-house lawyer should not only provide legal counselling in the different practice matters, since it is essential that a lawyer becomes a business partner to its clients, gaining their trust and demonstrating his or her knowledge about our industry. We are convinced that this is the path to manage legal risks without sacrificing the company’s sustainability’, says Zegarra. The legal team has successfully negotiated and closed several deals regarding the digital transformation of some important companies in Peru, a task done via an outsourcing of IT and communication services, including a multi-service integrated management provided by the company. These agreements involved revenues of more than US$10m each. The legal team is continuously embracive of the impact that new technologies on the provision of legal services bring. ‘Considering that fact, we are currently working on implementing a digital transformation of the legal department by incorporating new methodologies and digital tools. We firmly believe that this digital transformation will result in improvements in our efficiency and in the performance and quality of our services, will reduce costs and, overall, will collaborate with the company’s sustainability’, says Zegarra.

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Christiann A. Hudtwalcker Zegarra

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Vanessa Cisneros

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Telefónica del Perú

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