Ryan V. Laureano – GC Powerlist
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Philippines 2023

Commercial and professional services

Ryan V. Laureano

General counsel, chief administrative officer | Inspiro Relia Global Shared Services


Philippines 2023


Recommended Individual

Ryan V. Laureano

General counsel, chief administrative officer | Inspiro Relia Global Shared Services

Team size: Six

What are the most significant cases or transactions in which your legal team has recently been involved?

In recent years, our department has been at the forefront of managing several ownership changes, from being part of one the biggest conglomerates in the Philippines, to being held by a venture capitalist before being spun off to be part of one of the biggest Asia-based BPOs. Aside from helping the enterprise go through these ownership changes, we also advised and assisted the management team in navigating through the pandemic, which, in the Philippines, was also a period of rapid change in regulatory frameworks not only relating to the health and safety protocols affecting our workplace but also other rules which affected how we conducted our business and delivered our services. These are in addition to our work managing from the Philippines various compliance programs, litigation management, and other legal services for our operations in Asia, North America, and Latin America.

Why are in-house lawyers well-placed to drive change in their organisations?

Legal aspects must be considered even in unregulated businesses before an organisation implements change. Whether it is change related to how they do their business, change in internal processes, and driving their finances, in-house lawyers can advise the organisation in identifying risks and navigating regulations to ensure the initiative achieves its purpose.

How do you suggest in-house lawyers build strong relationships with business partners?

In-house lawyers should immediately learn not only what is expected from them but also the business of the enterprise as well as the culture of the workforce. By embracing the team and the organisation’s common goal, in-house counsels can quickly establish communication lines and build bridges with internal stakeholders. We always ask new team members, within their first few months, to join business review meetings and walk the floor of our operations centres so they can experience and understand what we do in the company. Clear communication and in-depth understanding are fundamental building blocks for us not to remain in our silo but be valued advisors and business partners.

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