FPG Insurance – GC Powerlist
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Philippines Teams 2024


FPG Insurance

| FPG Insurance


Philippines Teams 2024


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FPG Insurance

How do you see the general counsel role evolving in the Philippines over the next five-ten years? 

I see that the general counsel role in the Philippines will continuously change and eventually become one that enables the business. We have seen how technology has changed ways of doing business, especially in the financial services space. These changes naturally lead to new, if not to amendments to existing, laws and regulations. And the general counsel, expectedly, takes the lead in ensuring that the Company is able to keep up with regulatory changes. It is the general counsel too who translates changes to laws and regulations into practical business processes (as he/she knows too the business operations).  


How do you motivate and manage your legal team well? 

The team members must be empowered to be motivated. And empowerment is the likely result of trusting the decisions each member of the team makes. Knowing that they have autonomy in doing their tasks, the team becomes more inspired as they own the success of their decisions.  

Also, extending the appropriate support in performing their tasks also empowers the team. In my case, I always find time to respond to their queries and requests for support. Also, I advocate for them to get the training and tools for them to more efficiently deliver their tasks.   

Taking full accountability for everything my team does, especially when the team falls short in some tasks, (hopefully) inspires team motivation too. When they know that they have my back, they become more inspired to be doing their best. 

Lastly, I find time to connect with my team. Doing regular chats with each member of the team where we talk about things outside work has helped me build openness within the team. Openness, in turn, fosters positivity in the workplace. 



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