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Philippines Teams 2024

Commercial and professional services

Liwayway Marketing Corporation (Oishi Group)

| Liwayway Marketing Corporation (Oishi Group)


Philippines Teams 2024

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Liwayway Marketing Corporation (Oishi Group)

How do you see the general counsel role evolving in the Philippines over the next five-ten years?

As the business landscape becomes more complex, owing to complex rules and reportorial requirements, the role of the general counsel is becoming an essential part of the business decision process. Gone are the days of the business decision makers deciding only on business considerations. More than ever, legal risks are now given more weight in coming up with business decisions.

I predict general counsel will take more active and influential roles in business organisations, making them more pro-active rather than reactive, and preventive rather than remedial.

Which recent political, economic or regulatory changes have impacted your work the most in recent years?   

The government’s implementation of new economic policies and regulatory frameworks has had a profound impact on our operations and, consequently, my work as a general counsel. 

For instance, the implementation of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law has impacted various industries, including ours. As general counsel, ensuring compliance with new tax rates, exemptions, and incentives outlined in the law has been my priority. Additionally, understanding the implications of these changes on our company’s financial planning, investment decisions, and tax obligations has been crucial. 

Also, the Data Privacy Act (DPA) has imposed stringent requirements on how companies handle personal data. Compliance with the DPA necessitates formulating and implementing data privacy policies and more stringent data protection measures. As the general counsel, I’ve been responsible for ensuring that our company’s data handling practices align with DPA requirements. 

These recent changes, among others, have demanded constant vigilance to ensure our company’s compliance, while also optimising our business strategies. 


How do you motivate and manage your legal team well? 

A competitive compensation package should be a priority. But more than that, I strive to create a motivating and supportive work environment where my legal team feels empowered, appreciated, and inspired to perform at their best, ultimately contributing to the overall success and effectiveness of the organisation. I don’t subscribe to the typical trickle-down approach where subordinates are only supposed to take orders from their superiors. Even the most seasoned general counsel would benefit from fresh input from their younger colleagues, especially with the advent of most recent laws such as the Data Privacy Act, which the younger lawyers are usually more familiar with. So, critical decisions in my legal team are arrived at only after careful deliberations where members are encouraged to participate. 

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Ricardo Felix C. Cabral III

Vice president, legal and general counsel

Liwayway Marketing Corporation (Oishi Group)

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