Joana Pinto – GC Powerlist
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Portugal 2023

Commercial and professional services

Joana Pinto

Contracting Legal Lead | Accenture Portugal


Portugal 2023

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Joana Pinto

Contracting Legal Lead | Accenture Portugal

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Accenture Portugal has been a key partner for the digital transformation projects of Portugal’s largest companies. Hence, working as deal lawyer at Accenture means that we have the continuous opportunity to lead some of the most complex transactions in Portugal.

An example of such transactions was the negotiation of the digital acceleration program by a client in the utilities industry that made digitalisation a core feature across the business and geographies it operated. This was a cross border transaction, and it was critical to define the right negotiation approach and implement contractual mechanisms to pre-empt issues through proper governance.

We also handled the contractual negotiation of a customer support operations transformation journey that included changes to the contact centre’s solution and improvement to its business support processes to improve operational efficiency and boost sales. These are just some of many innovative deals that required our experience, digital literacy, deep business knowledge and understanding of clients’ needs.

Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most? Which have you found most useful in your legal team?

Embracing technology and adopting a data-driven mindset will be a priority for legal departments, to successfully address challenges with cost reduction and efficiency. Legal teams must utilise automated technology that reduces the time spent on administrative tasks to allow them focus on core legal work and strategic thinking.

The business landscape demands fast and accurate legal risk advice. Considering relevant data collection is crucial for good risk management, using smart tools that allow the extraction of contract data may also help to quickly identify, control and mitigate risks in future transactions.

At Accenture we focus on the use of artificial intelligence to review and extract data from millions of contracts and on the use of technology to make in-house lawyers available for high value work and do day-to-day tasks in more efficient ways, which is valued more by the business clients.

Why are in-house lawyers well-placed to drive change within their organisations?

In-house lawyers are well-placed to drive change within their organisations because of their legal expertise, business acumen, access to decision-makers, and relationship-building skills. As in-house lawyers we have a holistic view of the company and access to a wide network of senior leaders. This gives us the ideal platform to have real influence within our organisations and help to navigate legal and regulatory challenges and promote ethical and sustainable business practices.

In Accenture, lawyers are highly encouraged to be innovative by granting them the freedom to execute their initial ideas and access to the latest technologies to improve legal processes and increase efficiency. This approach calls for a continuous update of industry trends and best practices and provides us with a platform to advocate for change within the organisation.

As we live in a fast-paced world today, what skills will a corporate legal team need to succeed in the modern in-house industry?

Future in-house legal services will certainly be led by professionals who are adaptable and know how to develop creative skills by applying them to tasks of tactical intelligence. More than ever, it is key to keep learning.

Working in an environment that is being transformed by digital technology requires agile working, resilience, mental flexibility adaptability and proactiveness. A skill that I consider most critical is communication; in-house lawyers must be effective communicators. They need to be able to explain complex legal issues in a way that is easily understandable to non-lawyers and communicate legal risks and opportunities in a way that is persuasive and compelling.

Thinking innovatively and delivering pragmatic, business-focused solutions – not just legal advice – is also critical to providing strategic advice that supports business goals and objectives.

"Joana is the Legal Director for Portugal/Angola/Mozambique at Accenture since 2007. In Portugal alone, Accenture has almost 3000 employees, so she has to deal with many labour and employment issues relating to this immense number of employees. "
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