Rita Branquiho Lobo – GC Powerlist
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Portugal 2024

Information technology

Rita Branquiho Lobo

Head of legal affairs | Novabase


Portugal 2024


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Rita Branquiho Lobo

Head of legal affairs | Novabase

Team size: Four

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

The main transaction our team was involved in during the last year, was the sale of Novabase’s IT Staffing business through the disposal of all the shares held in Novabase Neotalent to CONCLUSION GROUP.

This transaction was of utmost importance to Novabase’s growth strategy, focusing all its resources and energies on the international expansion of the Next-Gen (Celfocus) business, particularly in the areas of cognitive and analytics. The close involvement of the legal team was essential, and demonstrated the importance of the in-house function, its knowledge of the business, and the team’s relationship with outside counsel in ensuring company interests were understood and followed.

The core work of our team is negotiating contracts with major business clients and partners in the telecoms and financial services sectors, working alongside the business units to that effect, and managing complex negotiations processes with various internal and external stakeholders.

The core business of the group is currently centred on Next-Gen operations, working under Celfocus – a group company that considers itself to be a European high-tech system integrator, providing professional services focused on creating business value through analytics and cognitive solutions.

The legal team also advises the company on complex legal and regulatory matters relating to the group’s business and activities. We provide advice and support on employment related matters – bearing in mind an IT industry is people based .

Novabase is a company with little litigation, mostly related to recovery of debts from clients, but it is residual. The main workload is effectively contract negotiation – occupying 55% of our workload, with employment occupying 30% and the remainder with governance and compliance matters.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry? 

In the rapidly evolving IT industry, success as an in-house lawyer hinges on a unique blend of qualities. Foremost among these is a deep understanding of both current and emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), which is reshaping business models and operational paradigms. An effective in-house lawyer must possess robust legal acumen and the technical proficiency to understand AI’s implications on privacy, intellectual property, and regulatory compliance.

Additionally, agility is crucial; the ability to adapt legal strategies swiftly in response to technological advancements and changing regulatory landscapes is key. This role also demands strong collaborative skills, as fostering partnerships with tech teams and external stakeholders is essential for pre-emptively addressing potential legal issues. Ultimately, a proactive, informed, and agile approach is indispensable in navigating the complexities of the IT sector.

How have you fostered a closer collaboration between the legal department and your business counterparts? 

Building strong relationships with business counterparts is an essential aspect of an in-house lawyer’s role, as it can help to ensure that legal risks are proactively identified and managed, and that legal advice is effectively integrated into the business decision-making process. The legal team works closely with its business counterparts, using agile procedures to execute its work, where lawyers and business counterparts work closely to prioritise and complete tasks efficiently.

Regular meetings and reviews keep everyone informed and help identify areas for improvement. This approach emphasizes flexibility, client-centricity, and transparency, allowing the legal team to adapt quickly to changing needs and deliver better legal services.

In-house lawyers have to act as partners, not just as legal advisors. This means being proactive in identifying legal risks, finding solutions that work for the business, and being flexible. The in-house legal team works to build trust with business counterparts by demonstrating expertise, providing clear and concise advice, and following through on commitments. This helps to establish a strong and collaborative relationship built on mutual respect and trust.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about? 

I am thrilled to witness and support the transformative impact of generative AI (GenAI) on our industry. Our commitment to leading the charge in ethical AI development and deployment is unwavering. We prioritise the establishment of robust compliance frameworks that not only respect global regulations, but also champion privacy and data integrity.

Beyond our core responsibilities, my personal dedication as a volunteer at a social bookstore, whose profits support the Portuguese Down Syndrome Association, echoes our company’s ethos of using technology for social good.

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