Powerlists – Page 19 – GC Powerlist
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Despite differences in language, culture and politics, there are several common threads that tie together the countries and economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Many have emerged from a p


The Central American countries have continued their economic evolution in the last few years, becoming more stable and open, with better integrated markets and improved conditions for business, inv


An exemplary model of sound investment and a progressive taxation system, Norway’s economy has been successful in not only producing a high GDP per capita, but has facilitated a highly enviable s


German in-house counsel have had an eventful past two years. New challenges – with GDPR compliance perhaps being the most ubiquitous of these – have met with old to mean an ever-changing and de


Amid relatively high oil prices, greater macroeconomic stability, and continuing global economic growth, Russia continues its positive economic trajectory in 2018. But regardless of the positive st


Possessing a large land mass, rich natural resources and a highly developed infrastructure, Australia’s economy is resilient, diverse and constantly delivering ground-breaking and high value busi


As Asia’s largest and most competitive financial centre, Hong Kong is an exciting and stimulating place to do business. The economy’s booming GDP growth, low inflation rate and access to Chines


The cultural diversity of businesses operating in the Middle East is often difficult for outsiders to understand. With multinationals across the region continuing to depend on a large expatriate wo


Italy has undergone several changes and renovations in light of the 2008 financial crisis and although improvements have been seen, the Italian economy has experienced recent turbulence thanks to,


Ireland contains some of the best and brightest in-house legal teams in Europe. The strong legal and business credentials of the country combined with its geographically advantageous position and b