Wilnerys Álvarez-Rivera – GC Powerlist
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Puerto Rico 2023


Wilnerys Álvarez-Rivera

Chief compliance officer and general counsel | Parliament Capital Management


Puerto Rico 2023


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Wilnerys Álvarez-Rivera

Chief compliance officer and general counsel | Parliament Capital Management

Team size: Two 

Major legal advisers: Pietrantoni Mendez & Alvarez, Oneill & Borges, Latham & Watkins, Winston & Strawn  


What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year? 

The absence of clear interpretation of applicable regulations concerning our business presents a significant challenge. As participants in a heavily regulated industry, we find that our regulators have not provided specific guidelines tailored to our unique operational aspects. This situation places considerable responsibility on us to adopt positions based on a comprehensive analysis of our business and comparable practices.    

However, it remains uncertain whether the regulators will concur with our assessments and conclusions. This uncertainty adds considerable pressure to our role, necessitating careful consideration and proactive risk management in our decision-making processes.  


Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?   

As the general counsel overseeing compliance and legal affairs, our team adopts a dual scope approach by developing a culture of continuous learning across various business areas. It is imperative that our legal team gains comprehensive insights into the functioning of each department, effectively aligning ourselves with their respective roles. This approach not only facilitates a seamless understanding of diverse business operations but also significantly reduces the reliance on external legal counsel for consultation on legal and compliance matters, resulting in cost optimisation.  

Furthermore, in my capacity as general counsel, I actively participate in all investment and critical committees within the company. By doing so, we ensure that all initiatives, structures, deals, accounting, tax, and operational decisions benefit from the inclusion of a legal perspective at every stage. This proactive involvement enables us to safeguard the company’s interests and mitigate potential legal risks, enhancing the overall strategic decision-making process.  


What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?  

The vital attribute for any in-house lawyer lies in cultivating a business-oriented mindset combined with an openness to diverse perspectives. It is crucial to recognise that legal advice holds true significance only when it aligns seamlessly with the functional requirements of the company. These two qualities enable us to surpass mere identification of issues or challenges and actively contribute viable solutions to drive business success.  

As in-house counsel, it is mandatory for us to remain acutely attuned to the particularities of our business, comprehending its unique needs, and strategizing to create tangible value. By doing so, we elevate ourselves from being mere contributors to active facilitators of the company’s growth and prosperity. This business-oriented approach gives us a real say and influence in decision-making discussions, making us essential.  

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Wilnerys Álvarez-Rivera

Chief compliance officer and general counsel

Parliament Capital Management

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