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Rising Stars Mexico 2022

Materials and mining

Nallely Flores Rodríguez

Gerente Corporativo Jurídico Ambiental y Contencioso | Servicios Administrativos Peñoles


Rising Stars Mexico 2022

Recommended Individual

Nallely Flores Rodríguez

Gerente Corporativo Jurídico Ambiental y Contencioso | Servicios Administrativos Peñoles

Could you tell us a bit about your significant successes in your role?

I am responsible for leading a team that provides legal advice on regulatory matters, aimed at limiting the company’s legal risk and ensure operational continuity. Also, we manage and evaluate legal defence strategies in complex disputes, to minimise the contingencies of environmental, administrative, civil, commercial and criminal liability. Some of my most significant successes include the design and implementation of a module for litigation management and for managing daily tasks, IURIS, and of KPI’s within the area. Moreover, our department has maximised the impact of the company’s lobbying in business chambers, regarding legal initiatives that impact the regulatory framework of the mining industry, supervised the negotiation and termination of more than 160 contracts because of labour reforms on subcontracting and of unscheduled mine closures, and reduced risk by providing training to operational or administrative areas on reforms, or updating of laws that impact the regulatory framework of companies. Lastly, we designed the legal defence strategy against environmental ecological taxes approved by the government of Zacatecas with an impact on 5 mining units.

In your opinion, what are the qualities and skills needed to form a strong legal team?

Ultimately, the goal is to create an environment of trust and mutual respect that allows the team to be highly productive, able to communicate, cooperate and innovate. I consider that in order to achieve this, it is required leadership, through clear objectives and rules, communication and accountability, empathy and vulnerability to create solid personal connections. Lastly, without a doubt, two elements that promote innovation are diversity and inclusion.

What is the biggest risk to your industry or organisation, and how are you contributing to prepare your organisation for this?

Mining is a high-impact industry. Two important risks that the industry is being faced with are those related to social licenses and environmental permits. The contribution of the department I lead, towards these risks, is to strengthen compliance and ESG areas, and to guarantee that regulatory obligations are well identified. Additionally, we support the company to incorporate indigenous consultation processes, as well as assessments on human rights, in order to address adverse impacts that require adequate measures for their prevention and mitigation.

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