Navil A. Mendoza Olaya – GC Powerlist
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Rising Stars Mexico 2022

Non-profit / public sector

Navil A. Mendoza Olaya

Corporate and compliance attorney | The American School Foundation


Rising Stars Mexico 2022

Recommended Individual

Navil A. Mendoza Olaya

Corporate and compliance attorney | The American School Foundation

Could you tell us a bit about your significant successes in your role?

The most significant successes in my role have been the implementation of contract and dispute resolution processes and the creation of compliance projects, on privacy and ethics.

In your opinion, what are the qualities and skills needed to form a strong legal team?

The qualities and skills of a strong legal team are adaptability, teamwork, empowerment, organisation skils and focus.

What is the biggest risk to your industry or organisation and how are you contributing to prepare your organisation for this?

In my opinion, the biggest risk is not having processes in place for all sorts of unlikely situations, so I contribute by implementing, training and raising awareness of all potential risks.

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