Santiago Soldevilla Gutiérrez – GC Powerlist
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Rising Stars Mexico 2022

Industrials and real estate

Santiago Soldevilla Gutiérrez

Senior legal counsel | RLH Properties


Rising Stars Mexico 2022

Recommended Individual

Santiago Soldevilla Gutiérrez

Senior legal counsel | RLH Properties

Could you tell us a bit about your significant successes in your role?

Thanks to the excellent team that we have, we were able to increase sales considerably in comparison to previous years (considering that the tourism sector was among the hardest hit by the Covid-19 pandemic). In addition, we have found several ways to satisfy our clients’ needs by implementing new commercial and legal strategies.
Although I have only been in my position for a short time, I have achieved an important synergy between all areas of the company.

In your opinion, what are the qualities and skills needed to form a strong legal team?

Communication skills – It is important to be able to convey your points clearly and concisely so each team member knows exactly what needs to be done and what is expected of them; choosing your words carefully to avoid confusion or misunderstanding.
Industry knowledge – In-depth understanding of the company and its place in the industry.
Conflict Resolution – A quality that makes a good team is having strong conflict resolution skills; understanding how to mediate disagreements and resolve conflict in a way that makes everyone feel valued is essential to keeping projects on track.
Team Awareness – It is important to be always aware of the team dynamic. For example, if one person is dominating the conversation or does not allow others to share ideas, it is important that balance is restored so each teammate can contribute evenly. Alternatively, if one person tends to be more shy or hesitant to share ideas, it is important to create space so that all teammates feel comfortable contributing their unique skills and abilities.
Honest Feedback – It can be difficult to identify your own areas of improvement. Finding a trusted team-member or counsel who can offer you honest feedback about your strengths and weaknesses can help you improve them.

What is the biggest risk to your organisation and how are you contributing to prepare your organisation for this?

Given the wide range of products on the market, it is important to stand out from the rest through complying with consumer demands. Technology has dramatically changed the nature of customer expectations and raised the bar in terms of the type of experience and engagement customers consider to be “normal”. This is a particular challenge in hospitality and development, where reputation and customer satisfaction are vital.
While we have an exceptional team prepared to meet the demands of our clients, from a legal point of view we have implemented new legal strategies to facilitate the negotiation, acquisition, construction, and delivery of residences.
However, we continue to prepare ourselves every day to be at the forefront of innovation in comparison with other companies.

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