Alice Radu – GC Powerlist
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Romania 2023

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Alice Radu

General legal counsel Romania – Bulgaria | Robert Bosch


Romania 2023

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Alice Radu

General legal counsel Romania – Bulgaria | Robert Bosch

Alice Radu - Romania 2024

General legal counsel, Romania and Bulgaria | Robert Bosch

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Alice Radu has served as legal director at Bosch for five years, managing the legal services department in Region Romania – Bulgaria (also covering Moldova). In 2022 she was appointed as director and administrator. 

Alice has over 14 years of experience as a lawyer and is fully qualified in Romania, being a member of Bucharest Bar.  She worked as a lawyer for KPMG Romania and later started her own law firm, approaching mostly international clients in the software development field investing in Eastern Europe. After five years as a sole practitioner, joining the Bosch group was the long-awaited opportunity to develop herself in an international environment, at a higher level, in a group of companies with a solid organisational culture, based on leadership, performance, innovation and stability.  

As legal director for Romania and Bulgaria Alice offers consultancy services regarding all legal aspects related to activities of the Bosch Group in Romania and Bulgaria; corporate governance, approval of business (in accordance with internal procedures), management of internal and external lawyers, collaboration with authorities, implementation of corporate changes in line with Bosch group development, implementation of central procedures, and the implementation of Bosch global projects at national and regional levels.  

The legal director position is extremely rewarding, considering the development and extension of the Bosch Group within the region. With 30 years presence in the region, ten legal entities and over 10,000 employees, the diversity of Bosch covers production sites, services, R&D and sales. The role of the legal team she manages is to ensure the activity of the group is legally compliant and stays protected, within a challenging environment specific to the region. 

The legal team is frequently challenged with finding different and personalised solutions for the same project according to all location’s needs or to the particularities and budget of each Bosch legal entity in the region. The team needs to be very creative and constantly communicate with different members to incorporate all specifics of the business. 

Most legal team projects are Bosch global projects which need to be properly implemented within the countries and regions, according to local legal requirements, business context and regional group development. Finding the most appropriate way of implementation, while saving costs and resources is also in the responsibility of the team. For such projects we receive support from the experts we have within our extended global legal team.  

The success of the Bosch global legal team is ensured by its structure, which is divided into regional lawyers (specialised in the legislation of each Bosch country) and central experts (specialised in all Bosch business fields). Seamless communication between these groups is vital for the business to run smoothly and remain legally compliant.

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