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South Africa 2024

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Annabelle Thomas

General counsel SA and SSA | LÓreal


South Africa 2024

Recommended Individual

Annabelle Thomas

General counsel SA and SSA | LÓreal

Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most? Which have you found most useful in your legal team?

I believe that the adoption of generative AI into the legal function presents many opportunities for the delivery of legal services. Certainly, there are risks associated with its use, and one will need to align the use with their own ethical guidelines, but the opportunities are too significant to pass up. Some may view the adoption of AI as a threat, as it may reduce the number of hours practicing lawyers can bill a client – as their commodity is time-based. I view it differently. The adoption of AI will provide lawyers with the opportunity to be immersed in much more meaningful work, with AI taking care of administrative and repetitive tasks. I am eager to see its adoption in South Africa and the transformation of the legal profession as a consequence.


Annabelle Thomas is an accomplished lawyer with extensive in-house corporate commercial experience, affording her the opportunity to bring a unique perspective to the table. She possesses proven experience and achievements across a wide range of industries, including beauty and beauty tech, insurance, financial services, academia, consulting, hospitality, and the casino sectors.

Annabelle’s focus on value creation and efficiencies, combined with nearly 20 years of experience as an admitted attorney, provides a solid base for her passion for mentorship and coaching. She seeks to contribute to the transformation of her profession in all respects. Annabelle has successfully led award-winning in-house legal teams.

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