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Southeast Asia 2022

Transport and infrastructure

Nor Aida Othman

General manager, legal | Malaysia Airports Holdings


Southeast Asia 2022

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Nor Aida Othman

General manager, legal | Malaysia Airports Holdings

How important is choosing to work with external lawyers who align with your company’s values? Are you likely to reconsider what firms you work with based on this?

Exactly, as the saying goes, it takes two to tango. Choosing external lawyers who align with our company values has always been a key factor to us here in Malaysia Airports. We acknowledge that lawyers have different styles of practicing. Likewise, clients have their own manner of conducting business. The culture and values of the law firm should be compatible with the culture and values of the client. For example, to what degree do we wish the external lawyers to become involved in such areas as governance, business strategy, and other services that are not purely legal in nature?
They must understand our tolerance for risk and is it compatible with theirs.
We choose lawyers who know how we conduct our business, what values that are important to us as well as the outcome that we desire to achieve. Hence, the relationship should be collaborative and trusting. Only by fully understanding the business outcome and values, external counsel be able to communicate clearly and succinctly what the company’s legal position is and what its realistic options are.

How do you suggest in-house lawyers build strong relationships with business partners?

In-house counsel must be seen as being true business colleagues who collaborate with others to drive the business forward and deliver results. Therefore, it is important that in-house lawyers know the business of the business partners. Legal departments must always serve as an enabling function to the main business. One of their functions is to support and drive the business, aligning the legal advice to achieve the business objectives within the ambit of the laws.
It is crucial that in-house lawyers work hand in hand with their business partners. They must be at the table, working shoulder to shoulder with their management colleagues, helping to craft strategy, develop plans, manage projects, and refine tactics. They must hone and use their business judgment. They must collaborate enthusiastically and find ways to solve or avoid problems that might impede the business’s progress. Lawyers need to understand that their work is fundamentally intertwined with the overall mission of their organisation. In-house lawyers should stay close to their business colleagues to provide higher level, strategic, and structural advice on how to prevent, avoid, and manage legal risk.
Some of the best traits are – collaborative, collegiality, empathy, honest and open communication, mutual respect, a good work ethic, approachable, accessible and a desire to share knowledge and expertise and help others.

Nor Aida Othman - Malaysia 2023

General manager, legal | Malaysia Airports Holdings

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Nor Aida Othman

General manager, legal

Malaysia Airports Holdings

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