Garuda Indonesia – GC Powerlist
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Southeast Asia Teams 2018

Transport and infrastructure

Garuda Indonesia

| Garuda Indonesia


Southeast Asia Teams 2018

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Garuda Indonesia


Garuda Indonesia is the flag-carrier of Indonesia. Flying to over 40 domestic and 36 international destinations, it is regarded as one of the world’s best airlines. The current legal function of the company is supervised by vice president, corporate secretary and investor relations Hengki Heriandono who joined in November 2016 and currently acts as vice president for coporate legal and compliance. Alongside Heriandono, Anwar is senior manager for litigation and compliance and Ananta Jeumpa is senior manager for corporate contracts. In addition to handling litigations and corporate contracts, the team plays a key role and can give key insights on the latest regulatory developments affecting the airline. The team are credited for working on a number of commercial deals and contracts to buy aircrafts that allowed the company to announce 30 new domestic and international routes in January 2018. Jeumpa summed up the team’s internal culture as follows: ‘We thoroughly align with the utmost company watchword which is sincerity. We also adapt the value of synergy and safety whereby each member of the team shall be able to collaborate in order to add value to the company’.

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