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Southeast Asia Teams 2023

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Lazada Group

| Lazada Group


Southeast Asia Teams 2023

Recommended Team

Lazada Group

Team size: 61

Key team members: Gladys Chun, Jonathan Lau, Nadia Harto, Ken Li, Bee Kee Loh, Rugeradh Tungsupakul Kevin Ma, Joustine Campana, Chen Zan Goh 

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

We are spearheading compliance efforts and regulatory development in new technological innovations. Lazada, as a pioneering Southeast Asian eCommerce platform, prioritises technological innovation to benefit our users, sellers, and partners. Our mission, centred on commerce and technology advancement, involves collaborating with AI experts and developers to usher in a new phase of digital commerce innovation. By combining AI research with Lazada’s extensive eCommerce ecosystem, we are creating AI-powered services that enhance online shopping experiences through personalised recommendations, unique interactions, and process optimisation. We have established an AI framework which encompasses promotion of human values, fairness, control, safety, privacy, accountability, transparency, and intellectual property rights. Lazada has an established history of implementing AI integration, introducing AI image-based search, deploying world-class AI-powered recommendations, translation services, and with the recent launch of our LazzieChat, we are one of the first platforms in Southeast Asia to pioneer an AI chatbot to service our users’ needs efficiently. This commitment reflects Lazada’s dedication to enhancing the online shopping journey for all our users.

On the ESG disclosure upfront, International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) unveiled its first two sustainability reporting standards recently. The standard aimed at meeting the information needs of investors and creating a global benchmark for sustainability-related financial language. The Sustainability Reporting Advisory Committee (SRAC) recommends requiring listed Singapore companies to report ISSB – aligned climate related disclosures starting from 2025 and non-listed companies with annual revenue of at least S$1bn to follow suit in 2027. Lazada Group has been actively supporting ESG disclosure requirements and has published our ESG impact report voluntarily for two consecutive years, following the global reporting initiatives (GRI) framework. In the future, Lazada will also incorporate the requirements of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) in our reporting.

In terms of environmental initiatives, eight out of zero Southeast Asian countries have committed to achieving net zero or carbon neutrality goals. Singapore and the Philippines have introduced extended producer responsibility (EPR) requirements in the recent years. Lazada Group has shown our commitment to carbon reduction through initiatives such as vehicle electrification, route optimisation, and sustainable packaging. As a result, Lazada Group has achieved a 10% year-on-year reduction in carbon emissions in FY23.

Can you sum up the team culture or ethos?

Our legal and compliance team embodies a dynamic culture and ethos rooted in four core principles – EPIC.

Enable: Firstly, we stand as an enabler for our business partners, collaborating closely with various departments to facilitate growth and innovation while ensuring legal compliance.

Protect: Secondly, our dedication to protecting the business is unwavering. We work diligently to mitigate risks and safeguard our organisation’s interests, fostering a secure environment for all stakeholders.

Influence: Thirdly, we take pride in our ability to influence regulators, engaging in constructive dialogues that shape policies and regulations in our industry’s best interests.

Compliance: Lastly, we are champions of building a robust compliance culture. Through proactive guidance, training, and fostering awareness, we instil a culture where compliance is a shared responsibility, ensuring ethical conduct and a solid foundation for Lazada Group’s success.

Over the past year, our team size has grown, expanding from 56 to 61 members. This growth has been instrumental in fortifying Lazada Group’s e-commerce and payment capabilities, as well as our compliance efforts. Notably, while growing in numbers, we have seamlessly nurtured a unified one team spirit and culture that are underpinned by our EPIC mission in supporting our business stakeholders to achieve Lazada Group’s ambitious growth plans, whilst promoting Lazada Group’s overall compliance culture. This approach has been pivotal in enhancing our collective efficacy, allowing the legal and compliance function to effectively amplify the value add that we provide to our stakeholders.

Apart from legal matters, has the team worked on other company initiatives?

Lazada Group’s ESG team has been instrumental in driving the company’s ESG efforts. In FY23, Lazada achieved several notable accomplishments:

Lazada Group successfully implemented initiatives to reduce our overall GHG emissions by 10%. This achievement demonstrates our commitment to mitigating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability.

Also, Lazada was recognised in the Responsible Consumption and Production (Plastic) category at the B20 Sustainability 4.0 Awards in Indonesia. This award highlights the company’s commitment to sustainable practices and responsible plastic consumption.

Lazada Group was honoured with two corporate social responsibility awards for its contributions to the community in Vietnam. These awards recognise the company’s efforts in making a positive social impact and supporting local communities.

Furthermore, 44% of our overall workforce are women, higher than the technology industry benchmark in Southeast Asia. This achievement reflects Lazada’s commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse work environment.

Lastly, Lazada Group published its second annual ESG impact report voluntarily. This report highlights the company’s achievements, progress, and development in its ESG journey. By doing so, Lazada Group promotes transparency and accountability in its ESG efforts.

With a presence across Southeast Asia, Lazada Group (a subsidiary of Alibaba), is a major player in the e-commerce sector in the region, providing a wealth of challenges and opportunities...

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