Willis Towers Watson Asia Pacific – GC Powerlist
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Southeast Asia Teams 2023


Willis Towers Watson Asia Pacific

| Willis Towers Watson


Southeast Asia Teams 2023


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Willis Towers Watson

WTW, Asia-Pacific 

Willis Towers Watson 

Team size: 18 

Key team members: Nathalia Lossovska (head of legal, Asia Pacific); James Rawson (head of legal, East Asia); Clarence Chung (Assistant general counsel, Asia); Angela Fung (assistant general counsel, Asia); Kelly Warde (legal counsel, Asia); Laurence Daulton (assistant general counsel, Australasia); Tomohiko Kamiya (assistant general counsel, Japan); Sarah Kuek legal counsel), Karen Tang (legal Counsel, Asia); Vicky Wei (legal counsel, China); Ping Zhu (legal counsel, China); Yuwei Wang (Legal counsel, China); Shuzhen Mai (legal counsel, China); Shweta Gupta (legal counsel, Asia); Binu Somarajan (legal Counsel GDC, India); Harkamal Kaur (legal counsel, GDC India); Jacqui Mapstone (EA, legal and finance, Australasia).

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?  

WTW Asia-Pacific legal team is a trusted powerhouse bridging the gap between the business and the risks.

After the termination of the business combination agreement between WTW and Aon in 2022, WTW has moved forward as an independent company to better serve its clients in the areas of people, risk, and capital. The company divested its global treaty reinsurance business to AJ Gallagher. The legal team smoothly carried out this transaction to a successful close. Shortly after, WTW completed the purchase of the full shareholding of the insurance broking business in India. The legal integration was successfully finalised between 2022 and 2023.

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense? 

With our ‘can-do’ mentality, the legal team’s role is that of a business partner within the firm, and our priority is to enable the growth of WTW’s business while curtailing the risk exposure.  To achieve the best results in the legal service offering, we must truly understand the company’s business, its challenges, and needs.  To this end, we have recently introduced ‘Learn the Business’ training, held virtually once per month, with each session focused on a different segment of the WTW business.  Our business colleagues conduct the sessions and, therefore, come at no cost to the company.  The sessions are interactive and held virtually where everyone is encouraged to turn on the camera to actively participate by asking questions and commenting on what is being discussed.

Can you sum up the team culture or ethos? 

Teamwork is integral and forms part of WTW’s core values.  We lead by example to value every colleague as an individual, forming part of a diverse and collaborative team.  Nathalia Lossovska is the leader of the Asia-Pacific legal team and sits on the WTW Office of the General Counsel mentorship committee.  Her active encouragement of the legal team has led to a spike in participation and engagement in the 2023 OGC mentorship programme.  Nathalia is also a Director of the Association of Corporate Counsel (Singapore Chapter) and an avid supporter of WTW legal team’s participation at external seminars and networking events, as well as corporate responsibility activities outside of WTW.

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