General counsel | Abertis Infraestructuras
Gemma Magre Ros
General counsel | Abertis Infraestructuras
Career Biography
Gemma Magre joined Abertis in 2009 after four years of private practice at Clifford Chance as a corporate and finance lawyer focused in M&A, capital markets, private equity and finance. Since then, she has advised Abertis and its group companies on the legal and contractual aspects of numerous M&A, project-finance and PPP projects in relation to toll-roads in Europe, the Americas, India and Australia.
She is a Member of the Board of Directors of Red de Carreteras de Occidente, S.A.P.I.B. de C.V., based in México, secretary of the Board of Virginia Tollroad TransportCo, LLC., based in USA. She was Member of the Boards of Directors of Sanef, S.A. in France, Inversora de Infraestructuras, S.L., an Spanish holding company, Vías Chile S.A. and Sociedad Concesionaria Autopista Central, S.A, both based in Chile.
She holds a Law degree and a Business Administration degree from Abat Oliba CEU University and is admitted to practice by the Law Society of Barcelona. She also holds an IESE Executive Development Program (PDD), an IESE Corporate Finance Certificate and Value Creation through Effective Boards Program from IESE and Harvard Business School.