Zahorí Martínez – GC Powerlist
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Spain 2025

Transport and infrastructure

Zahorí Martínez

General counsel | Siemens Mobility


Spain 2025

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Zahorí Martínez

General counsel | Siemens Mobility

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

The business world has faced, since some years ago, a radical change in the planification and execution of the business. This has been the result of experience uncertainties, complex situations, geopolitical tensions, and unforeseeable facts. It is a reality that we, as legal advisors need to keep focusing on the complete business chain, taking care of introducing mitigation measures with the different stakeholders for the benefit of the projects.

The identification of the necessary measures to mitigate the situation includes the strict legal analysis of the applicable regulation for each project and on each country, the contractual analysis and the consideration of the existing context to find the best legal solutions. It also entails creative legal alternatives within the legal applicable framework and a deep understanding of the business not only from the legal perspective but also through a deep understanding of the technical and financial implications. Today, is not only about adaptation but anticipation.


What are the main cases or transactions that you have been involved in recently? 

Siemens Mobility Spain legal team has participated recently in international tenders for projects related to signaling railway systems, electrification and maintenance in Ecuador, Greece, Oman, Australia, Spain, among other countries, advising during the offer phase in the identification of the risks and opportunities, and along the project execution for those projects finally awarded.

The projects, with major public investments, are key in the development of the infrastructure and contribute to increase the reliability, the capacity of transportation and the life quality of the people.  Siemens management has a clear vision focused on the sustainability and innovation. The technology provided by our company allows to manage efficiently the trains circulation guaranteeing the safety (a fundamental requirement in this kind of projects). Due to the relevance of our projects the legal team is essential in every milestone of the projects.


What role does the legal department play in promoting and ensuring corporate social responsibility in your organization?  

The legal department is a key stakeholder in the sustainability commitment of the company. We all work together under the framework named DEGREE, which stands for decarbonization, ethics, governance, resource efficiency, equity, and employability. Siemens has made commitments to meet targets both externally and internally in the development of our solutions. For example, we aim to make product life cycles longer, more recyclable, and less energy intensive.

The Siemens Mobility Spanish team is composed of lawyers from different countries who prioritize ethics. With our diverse profiles and expertise, as well as our collaboration network within the Siemens Group, we can provide not only accurate legal advice to our business but also advice that takes sustainability into account in all its aspects.




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