Boliden – GC Powerlist
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Sweden Teams 2019


| Boliden


Sweden Teams 2019

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Boliden Group, a Swedish mining and smelting company focusing on production of copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver, is supported by a legal department of five. Led by Eva Rydén,...

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Founded almost 90 years ago, Swedish mining and smelting corporation Boliden is a highly technological business with several mines and smelters working to supply base and precious metals on a long term basis. A Stockholm Stock Exchange listed company, Boliden’s operations concentrate on the mining of ore and the production and delivery of high quality metals to the industry, and in doing so must guard against risk in a number of different ways. The company’s legal team advises on a number of different issues connected with Boliden’s risk mitigation remit, spanning both legal and business affairs. For instance, the function is preoccupied with responsibilities concerning advice on a wide range of issues within corporate legal, governance, securities, M&A and general commercial and contracting. It also deals with financings, dispute avoidance and resolution, litigation and corporate administration, involving preparation for board and committee meetings, the administration of domestic and global subsidiaries, general meetings of shareholders and company reports. The company’s legal team works in line with the business’ core values of experience, innovation and advanced technology, and does so on a multinational basis, as the company has a number of operations based abroad in Finland, Norway and Ireland. The legal team of Boliden is credited with providing assistance to ensure the smooth operation of these endeavours.

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