Rannveig Borg Sigurdardottir – GC Powerlist
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Switzerland 2018

Rannveig Borg Sigurdardottir

Legal director M&A | Adecco Group


Switzerland 2018


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Rannveig Borg Sigurdardottir

Legal director M&A | Adecco Group


The Adecco Group is based in Switzerland and is the largest temporary staffing firm in the world, and a Fortune 500 company. It has more than 33,000 employees and over 5,000 branches in more than 60 countries around the world. Rannveig Borg Sigurdardottir is in charge of M&A, finance, special projects and corporate matters within the legal team of the Adecco Group in Switzerland. She joined the industry leader in employment in 2012 as corporate counsel and legal director and in October 2014 was promoted to legal director of M&A. She previously worked at global pharmaceutical company, Actavis, serving as the head of legal Iceland, Middle East and Africa, located initially in Iceland and from 2011 onwards in Switzerland. Sigurdardottir had a spell at BBA Legal, as a senior legal associate, in charge of setting up a representative office of BBA Legal in London from 2007 until 2008.

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