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Switzerland 2024


Chris Frank Gansen

General counsel and chief compliance officer | Redalpine


Switzerland 2024

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Chris Frank Gansen

General counsel and chief compliance officer | Redalpine

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

First and foremost, my strategy involves staying informed and vigilant about potential legal risks that may arise during periods of instability. This includes closely monitoring changes in regulations (mostly in markets we are active in, but also in general), market conditions, and external factors that could impact our organisation’s operations. By maintaining a proactive stance, I can anticipate legal challenges and take preemptive measures to mitigate risks before they even appear or escalate. 

In times of crisis, clear communication and collaboration with key stakeholders is essential. I believe in fostering strong relationships with internal teams, senior management, and external (legal) advisors to ensure a coordinated response to legal issues. By working closely with cross-functional teams, I can align legal strategies with the broader business objectives and provide timely legal advice that supports the organisation’s resilience. Furthermore, my legal strategy during crises is centered on adaptability and flexibility. I understand that the legal landscape can rapidly evolve during times of instability, requiring quick, business-oriented, decision-making and agile responses. By being adaptable and open to innovative (even digital and AI powered) legal solutions, I can help the organisation navigate complex legal challenges and maintain operational continuity. In aligning legal strategy with the broader business strategy, I prioritise understanding the organisation’s goals, values, and risk tolerance. By aligning legal objectives with the organisation’s strategic priorities, I can ensure that legal advice and actions support the overall business resilience. This alignment involves integrating legal considerations into the organisation’s decision-making processes and strategic planning to proactively address legal risks and opportunities. 

Moreover, I believe in taking a holistic approach to legal risk management by considering the interconnectedness of legal, regulatory, financial, and reputational risks. By conducting comprehensive risk assessments and scenario planning, I can identify potential legal vulnerabilities and develop tailored legal strategies that align with the organisation’s risk appetite and resilience goals. 


What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?  

As the general counsel of a venture capital investment firm with a focus on technology and life sciences, my role in driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company is crucial. Given the nature of our investments (mainly technology and life sciences) in innovative and high-growth sectors, it is important to integrate sustainability considerations into most decision-making and investment processes to not only mitigate risks but also to enhance long-term value creation and reputation. My responsibilities as general counsel include providing legal advice and guidance on sustainability-related matters, such as compliance with environmental regulations, corporate governance, and risk management, while playing a key role in ensuring that Redalpine’s investments align with applicable sustainability principles and that any (legal) risks as well as opportunities associated with sustainability are effectively managed. 

Furthermore, as the chief compliance officer, I have the opportunity to advocate for the integration of sustainability considerations into Redalpine’s investment criteria and due diligence processes. By working closely with our investment team and other key stakeholders, I can help identify opportunities to support and promote sustainable practices within the technology and life sciences companies in which we mainly invest. In addition, I can play a pivotal role in engaging with portfolio companies to encourage the adoption of sustainable business practices and to monitor their progress in achieving sustainability goals. By fostering a culture of sustainability within our portfolio, you can drive positive environmental and social impact while also enhancing the long-term value of your investments. 


What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?  

The legal profession is undergoing significant transformations due to the rapid advancements in technology and Redalpine, as a technology venture capital firm, has a particular focus on this as well. Several emerging technologies are poised to have a profound impact on the legal industry in the near future. One of the most significant technologies will be artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in the form of legal technology tools and software (Redalpine recently let an investment round in the upcoming Belgian AI legal tech start-up LegalFly). AI-powered tools can streamline legal research, contract analysis, and document review processes, leading to increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness for law firms and legal practitioners. 

Another emerging technology with a substantial impact on the legal profession is blockchain. Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionise how legal contracts are created, executed, and enforced. Smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code, can automate various legal processes and reduce the need for intermediaries. Additionally, data analytics and predictive analytics are becoming increasingly important in the legal field. By analysing large volumes of data, legal professionals can gain valuable insights into case outcomes, trends, and strategies. This data-driven approach can help lawyers make more informed decisions and provide better advice to their clients. 

To stay updated on these developments and other emerging technologies in the legal profession, we as lawyers and in-house counsels can utilise various resources. One common method is to attend legal technology conferences, seminars, and webinars where experts discuss the latest trends and innovations in the industry. Subscribing to legal technology publications, blogs, and newsletters can also help lawyers stay informed about new technologies and their potential impact on the legal profession. Furthermore, joining professional organisations and networking with peers in the legal tech community can provide valuable insights and opportunities to learn from others’ experiences. Many law firms also invest in training programs and workshops to ensure their lawyers are up-to-date on the latest technologies and tools available. 


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