Edgar Martinez – GC Powerlist
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Switzerland 2024

Food, beverages and tobacco

Edgar Martinez

Senior legal director, legal affairs global functions | Japan Tobacco International


Switzerland 2024


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Edgar Martinez

Senior legal director, legal affairs global functions | Japan Tobacco International

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability to crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

The legal team’s role in the organisation is to use the power of law to embrace uncertainty, create opportunities and drive sustainable growth. Times of crises seem to be the new normal where navigating uncertainty is a must. I always take a comprehensive approach combining legal strategy and broader business objectives, ensuring the organisation’s resilience, through: 

Strategic alignment with the business. Rather than taking a passive approach, I push to embed legal considerations within the overall business strategy, especially considering the highly regulated nature of our Industry.  

Proactive risk management, scenario planning and contingency measures. Preemptive legal strategies are a must. I anticipate potential legal challenges through thorough analyses of regulatory changes and crisis-related scenarios. 

Diversity, equity and inclusion. I promote getting diverse perspectives, which are fundamental and have proven to be key in overcoming global crises in times of uncertainty. 

Agile legal response. I work with my team in an agile way, supporting each other and adapting swiftly to the ever-changing environment.  

Cross-functional collaboration. Close cross-functional collaboration ensures that my contributions complement and enhance the overall resilience of the organisation. 

Integration with reputational strategy. Navigating reputational aspects is as important as the legal analysis. 

Communication and stakeholder management. Effective communication is paramount during times of crisis. I prioritise transparent and timely communication with stakeholders, providing legal insights and updates that align with the broader business narrative. 


How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment? 

I am honoured to serve as the global co-chair of JTI’s PRIDE ERG (employee resource group), a global network of employees that foster LGBTIQ+ inclusion across the entire organisation. John Fraser, JTI’s general counsel, is our global sponsor. Along with my co-chair Jen Polzin, we coordinate a global diverse team of 16 colleagues across all our regions to promote LGBTIQ+ inclusion from the employee perspective. We foster the creation of safe spaces where JTI’s LGBTIQ+ employees can be themselves at work without fear of discrimination or career reprisal. We always work with an intersectional perspective (gender, race, age, religion, cognitive diversity). Our network of allies has allowed our DEI efforts to amplify through local chapters in the markets where JTI operates (with hundreds of local members), being able to overcome cultural and linguistic barriers. 

DEI is deeply embedded in every action I take. I have championed DEI at the legal department by participating in global townhalls and giving LGBTIQ+ inclusion training to every member of the legal department, through our in person regional legal conferences across the globe. 


Can you discuss a particularly challenging dispute scenario you encountered and the innovative strategies you implemented to address it? 

As the first point of contact for international dispute resolution I manage disputes across the globe. To ensure consistency in JTI’s position across jurisdictions, I actively coordinate with legal directors across markets in cases that share similarities. I am currently managing a particularly challenging dispute for distribution of our tobacco products in the Middle East. Cultural and legal complexities heightened the challenge, requiring inventive solutions and cross functional collaboration across JTI’s teams. This collaborative effort extends beyond traditional legal work, with the use of digital platforms, shared resources, and agile way of working. I have been given the opportunity by my manager (Olivier Blanc) and the general counsel (John Fraser), to allocate the best talent available for the required case depending on the priorities, regardless of whether our legal colleague is based in HQ, a region or a market (giving flexibility to the otherwise common fixed structure of using only local talent for matters that relate to that market). 




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